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Charities worth donating to (that don't have a problem with women)?

28 replies

ClosetGC · 20/11/2020 19:49

My employer has a gift-matching programme whereby they will match any charity donations that I make through their platform (I mention this because things like crowd-funders for court cases would not qualify, and I donate to those separately). I'd like to make some donations, but I don't have a good system for deciding how best to donate. I'm also losing track of which charities have been lost to wokeism.

I'd really appreciate some suggestions of who (not) to donate to. They don't have to be charities aimed at women in particular (though they definitely can be!), but at the very least, I'd like to give my money to organisations that aren't trying to "erase" women. Thanks!

OP posts:
SussexBonfireViking · 04/12/2020 10:33

I've just done a donation to Refuge, and picked what i wanted to send, and then you go to pay and it asks for more money (to cover costs) and then after you pay it asks for another parcel.

FFS, I have given what i can afford, I should be made to feel guilty for saying no more...

stumbledin · 04/12/2020 00:16

Womankind includes transwomen in the groups of women they support

Bloody Good Period talks about people who menstruate

Abortion Support Network talks about people who need abortions

Just saying!

Its really sad, but at the same time I dont want any of these groups to close because many actual women need their services.

FiLia always works with trans women and does WPUK.

stumbledin · 04/12/2020 00:04

And if not exclusively a women's charity please think about your local food bank. So many families, and particularly single mothers are struggling to have enough food to feed both their children and themselves.

There are single parent families who have to ask for food that doesn't need to be cooked because they cant afford the cost of turning on a cooker.

stumbledin · 04/12/2020 00:00

Can I please make a plea that you do not give money to groups that are already in receipt of public funding.

At this time of year, if not all year, please remember the small charities, such as the local women's aid, where even if you have little money, they will appreciate anything that will mean women and children in the refuge get some sort of token present.

You can find your local refuge by local of the directory on the Women's Aid web site - see

Not sure in covid times but some usually have a stall in a local market or a shop will be sponsoring them.

I do wonder sometimes on mumsnet that the same few names get circulated which aren't representative of the totalilty of women's groups. And not all of them are free of the trans narrative because in accepting funding they will have signed up to most of it.

cheeseismydownfall · 03/12/2020 23:53

There is always JKR's charity, Lumos. Pretty certain that know what a woman/girl is!

StillWeRise · 03/12/2020 22:51

I came across this charity recently
advocacy after fatal domestic abuse- not exclusive to women (but by its nature will be predominantly about women- and no signs of wokery
and this charity-
has been very successful protecting girls from fgm in a very isolated part of the world

slug · 03/12/2020 22:34

I support the Abortion Support Network

Conniethesensible · 03/12/2020 22:28

United World Schools educate girls in areas where they’d otherwise not receive an education

Thecazelets · 03/12/2020 21:56

Homestart help vulnerable families with children under 5. By default that means a lot of women, many of whom will be single parents.

I also donate to BPAS and Women's Aid.

ARoombaOfOnesOwn · 03/12/2020 21:45

I think Bloody Good Period are woke.

Charities worth donating to (that don't have a problem with women)?
Charities worth donating to (that don't have a problem with women)?
SorryPleaseTryAgain · 03/12/2020 21:41

Another vote for Filia!

Xiaoxiong · 03/12/2020 11:34

I'm a trustee of a small kitchen table charity called the Mvumi School Trust - we raise money for bursaries and facilities for sighted and visually impaired children attending a disability inclusive school in Tanzania, one of the few with a visually impaired unit allowing for inclusive education. The positive effects of inclusive education go even further than you would think as visual impairment in Tanzania is often caused by albinism, which often results in stigma and exclusion.

We most certainly know who girls are because we have to raise around 50% more money for a girl's bursary than we do for a boy. The extra money goes to supporting the families who are losing their daughter's labour in the home when they go to school. Otherwise many families wouldn't allow their girls to go to school at all. Generally school staff have to visit the families of girls to persuade them to allow girls to continue their education - families of boys need no convincing, of course.

If you'd consider supporting us that would be amazing!!

Nowayhozay · 03/12/2020 11:19

I always give to Crisis at this time of year, I believe they make a real difference to men and women who are often at their lowest this time of year. A shower, hair done, warm dry clothes and a decent hot Christmas dinner. As well as health checks, employment and housing advice.

SussexBonfireViking · 03/12/2020 09:46


Women's Aid - providing refuges and advice to women at risk and experiencing domestic abuse - literally saves lives of women and their children. First choice always. I've given to them during both lockdowns as I was so worried about the fate of woes trapped interior homes with abusers.

is this the right website,

I'm not receiving gifts from my family this year, and have asked they spend what they would have on me on themselves in lieu of a gift from me, and i will donate to a charity.
happybabyunit · 03/12/2020 09:43

I totally agree! It's so taboo now to proudly support women but automatically the Marsha P Johnson institute comes to mind! Also Bloody Good Period!

Babdoc · 03/12/2020 09:31

Womankind Worldwide. No problem with the word “woman”. Campaigning against FGM, child marriage, domestic violence. Helping women organise, providing legal advice, working with grass roots women’s groups in third world etc. Well worth supporting.

AuntieStella · 02/12/2020 15:02


It's a crying shame that there are parts of the world where the basics of clean water and basic sanitation are not available. And you'll see they feature the disproportionate impact on women and girls as their first case history

CrossPurposes · 02/12/2020 14:58

[quote HecatesCats]Women for Women

Southall Black Sisters[/quote]
Thank you in particular for the link to the Southall Black Sisters.

MondayYogurt · 02/12/2020 14:51

Kidsout, Giving Tree - online this year

Bouledeneige · 20/11/2020 23:46

Women's Aid - providing refuges and advice to women at risk and experiencing domestic abuse - literally saves lives of women and their children. First choice always. I've given to them during both lockdowns as I was so worried about the fate of woes trapped interior homes with abusers.

Galvantula · 20/11/2020 23:13
twoHopes · 20/11/2020 22:46

I know of an amazing charity in Africa, set up and run entirely by local women, to provide education and refuge services for girls and women. It's a tiny charity so if I write the name here it'll be totally outing. But if you (or anyone else) are interested I can DM you the name.

They're going through a rough time financially this year because of covid so they could massively use the support.


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HecatesCats · 20/11/2020 22:37
niceberg · 20/11/2020 22:32

Wigeon I'd be interested in knowing about that one. Can you message me?

LucretiaBourgeois · 20/11/2020 21:48

If you're interested in international charities, Ethiopiaid does a lot of work with key issues for women and girls (access to education, domestic violence, child marriage, fgm, period poverty, maternal health etc) and I've never seen any suggestion that they don't know what a woman is.

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