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In solidarity with JK Rowling

401 replies

Glinner · 29/09/2020 21:42

The letter in support of JK Rowling from this weekend's Sunday Times is now available for everyone to sign. Please share using hashtag #LetWomenSpeak

OP posts:
FindTheTruth · 04/11/2020 12:15

40 signatures to go to reach 21,000

leafinthewind · 24/10/2020 14:28

Thimbleberries I think their political context is very different to ours.

Lemonyfuckit · 24/10/2020 12:03

Delighted to sign, thank you for sharing.

Thimbleberries · 24/10/2020 11:09

I see what you mean by salami tactics now, and they'd probably be a good way to address some of the issues with the people in that news group, if they were interested in the wider pictures.

Sadly, it seemed to stop with "JK Rowling is so disappointing, I can't believe she was so non-inclusive when her books promote the opposite". And they are only looking at this little bit of what she said that seemed (to them) to say that only women menstruate, that she wasn't including transmen or non-binary people, that she was saying that people who don't menstruate (like older women, women with medical issues) weren't women, etc. Or that the article she was referencing was specifically about menstruation, so using terms like 'people who menstruate' was perfectly valid. it's like they can't get over that one tweet and see it as part of a bigger issue, and they're not that interested, either. They just know that you should be inclusive and kind, and she apparently wasn't being. It's quite a superficial level of 'being inclusive' that they're intersted in, really, just 'looking like' you are being inclusive more than anything, saying the right things, etc. So it made it quite hard to defend Rowling against that, because there was this automatic assumption that she was non-inclusive, and that this was bad, and they were more interested in whether to be disappointed, whether to still like her books, etc, than in considering how it fit in context. Sadly.

leafinthewind · 24/10/2020 09:55

JKRowlingForever by salami tactics I mean taking issues one at a time. I don't believe that TWAW, but I don't say that immediately because after i say that, my American friends aren't listening any more. But they might listen when I talk about women's sport as an important and valuable thing in its own right, and how women's sport only functions when we treat sex and gender separately. The inevitable conclusion is that TWarenotW, but you don't get there in one go.

DoveStar42 · 24/10/2020 08:53

Biological women are being redefined as..
Cervix havers
People with Virginia’s
Cis women
Gender critical women who don’t buy into these labels are called
For this ideology to continue .. we can never challenge men who identify as being a woman, we are expected to just call them women.. no other labels .. allow them into all protected women/girls spaces, our sports and just shut up about it. .. hmmm .. let’s see if actual biological women will accept that when real women realise what is happening...

Fffffs · 24/10/2020 08:12

There’s no objective test for a huge number of medical conditions and disabilities but we still require diagnosis by qualified medical professionals before medication and other treatments.

There’s no blood test for ADHD or autism or schizophrenia or bipolar or ptsd etc etc etc. We have criteria the qualified professionals assess by, criteria that varies slightly from the ICD to DSM and that criteria is continually reassessed and updated at regular intervals. How professionals apply this criteria is subjective, as it’s impossible for individuals not to be subjective. I’ve known plenty of kids get diagnosed with asc or ADHD after one expect claimed they didn’t have it, yet another one using the same set of criteria sees things differently and diagnose them.

What we don’t do is go around handing out Ritalin and extra time in exams to anyone who claims they have ADHD. Just because there’s no objective scientific test doesn’t mean diagnosis isn’t necessary or possible for millions of other conditions, gender dysphoria is no different.

JKRowlingforever · 24/10/2020 00:02

What are salami tactics?!?

leafinthewind · 23/10/2020 08:23

Thimbleberries that's really interesting - I have a lot of US friends too. I always want a gotcha moment, but that's not how those people can be won over. I go for salami tactics (starting with women's sport and women's prisons).

FindTheTruth · 23/10/2020 08:12

20834 signers

Malahaha · 22/10/2020 08:14


Scout2016 · 21/10/2020 11:39

I started reading that thing Pippa. The bit addressing the "myth"
"Only a doctor / expert can tell if a person
is really transgender" is interesting.
"There is no objective procedure available
to assess a person’s gender identity. Evidence shows that requiring a transsexual,
gender identity disorder diagnosis or similar is neither purposeful nor appropriate
in legal gender recognition. In fact, applicants often adapt their personal stories
to meet the expert’s expectations in order to obtain the diagnosis and thus qualify for legal gender recognition. Medical
state-of-the art is to respect a person’s
self-determined gender identity"

So there is no proper way of knowing and applicant might lie. I don't really care what adults do to themselves but when you transfer the discussion to kids I would say a diagnosis most definitely purposful and appropriate.

JKRowlingforever · 21/10/2020 10:16

#NoDebate was one of the most chilling aspects of this whole phenomenon. FINALLY peopleare waking up to it

FindTheTruth · 21/10/2020 09:42

This >

McCheese Oct 11, 2020I "support trans rights, and I support women’s rights. I’m concerned by the hijacking and changing of the language for women. I don’t view it as equality, it feels wrong and misogynistic. Everyone’s rights should be respected but I feel that you cannot and should not ‘vanish’ women by changing the language used. The level of vitriol and abuse directed to JKR for speaking about this issue is disgraceful. The amount of people insisting that debate, questions, or defence of women’s rights is ‘transphobic’ is appalling. This bullying and silencing of women, of anyone with an opinion that does not match that of the extreme transactivists, has to stop."

In solidarity with JK Rowling
persistentwoman · 21/10/2020 09:28

Tens of thousands of people standing up for JKR. Yet another reminder that we are not alone in our fight to stop women's identity and rights being removed.

FindTheTruth · 21/10/2020 09:23

more signee comments:

In solidarity with JK Rowling
FindTheTruth · 21/10/2020 09:19

comments by petition signees:

In solidarity with JK Rowling
FindTheTruth · 21/10/2020 09:14


WarOnWomen · 17/10/2020 18:27

I love the fact that some of you were here for the count to 20,000. 🙂👍🏼

persistentwoman · 17/10/2020 18:16

20,400 now. Just saying....

ArabellaScott · 17/10/2020 18:13

Read this. I am leaving

What is the idea that by making some half baked semblance of an argument, typically an exhortation, and then running away, one has somehow contributed to the edification of anything?

It's playground standard of discussion. It doesn't really get us anywhere.

BoreOfWhabylon · 17/10/2020 16:08

Pippa is no doubt also harvesting screenshots.


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DeliciouslyFemale · 17/10/2020 16:06

Pippa only popped over from Twitter, in order to tell women to stop having independent thought and to listen to what he and the other men say, isn’t that right Pippa?

yourhairiswinterfire · 17/10/2020 16:01

Implying that people only transition because they have bad mental health.

What would you call it though, seriously? If hearing the word 'woman' in an article will make you suicidal, if 51% of the population have to be referred to as 'bleeders', 'menstruaters' and 'ovary-havers' just to make you feel 'safe', you have a mental health issue, no doubt about it.

And is saying that by throwing open the doors to men who self identify as women into single sex spaces they are posing danger when in reality - the risk is still the same. Men will still go into women’s bathrooms and changing rooms even with the law of self identification.

Women's toilets can be a safe haven for many reasons. I was stalked through my local town centre by a man hissing vile, graphic threats at me whilst I was alone. I hurried to the loos and he didn't follow me in there. Phoned my dad to come and wait for me, and when I left, the man had gone. So single sex toilets can be very successful for keeping ourselves safe.

At the moment, a man in the ladies would look out of place, people would challenge it. You make it the norm and no one is allowed to question it, you're just asking for trouble. The old 'you're going to get raped anyway so I don't see the problem creating a loophole to make it 10x easier' is disgusting.

I'm pleased if you personally have no reason to worry about any bloke being allowed in them, but it's rude to dismiss the plenty of women who do.

Can you tell me why my reasons for feeling unsafe are not valid, but the feelings of all those who want to self id their way in are?

GreenUp · 17/10/2020 15:46

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