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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Excellent collection of proof of sex-based rights under attack

17 replies

Hazeldine · 07/09/2020 20:57

A little long but packed with useful links and clearly laid out (better than my "GC" bookmarks tab anyway!)

OP posts:
MoleSmokes · 31/10/2020 18:00

Fantastic resource! Thank you for sharing!

I am fiddling around on a tiny phone screen at the mo or I’d do it myself but this article - and the link to the archived version - could do with adding to some existing threads, eg. “Break it down for me” (there are others with links to resources but I can’t remember the Titles off hand).

Apologies if it’s already been done - I’ve been AWOL and am catching up Halo

AphraBenn · 30/10/2020 08:10

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FindTheTruth · 13/09/2020 12:03


There was one on the Gov petition website, but it was removed as it named individuals.

Thanks @Thelnebriati

If the author of the petition about the recording of transwomen crimes as female crimes, resubmitted the petition on Gov, without naming people, I would sign it
Thelnebriati · 11/09/2020 13:09

There was one on the Gov petition website, but it was removed as it named individuals.

FindTheTruth · 11/09/2020 07:11

It's a massive document - stats, links to articles

She says And what about crime? When transwomen’s crimes are recorded as female crimes it begins to distort statistics, which then changes laws . She links to examples. and Men who commit crime and say they are women distort crime statistics and thereby distort policy, law and support for victims of crime.

question - is there a petition/campaign about the recording of transwomens crimes as female crimes?

Thelnebriati · 08/09/2020 15:38

Medium have a history of deleting similar blogs so its been archived;

Botherfreedays · 08/09/2020 14:19

This is fantastic and I will keep it as a 'reference book'. Thank you.

Whatwouldscullydo · 08/09/2020 14:16

Oh it definitely was. I completely understand why it was added onto it. The only way to ever get any discussion at all in is to completely detach the jys and kws of the world from the people who the usually pre made up minds are thinking of.

Risk assessments in every other situation are not seen as a personal attack , it gets frustrating when its taken as such here.

Hazeldine · 08/09/2020 14:12

Yes, I was a bit Hmm at that comment too but I see so many “Evidence needed!” threads here and elsewhere I thought it was a useful collection and well worth a share.

OP posts:
Whatwouldscullydo · 08/09/2020 13:12

But at the same time, no man would ever, ever claim to be trans in order to abuse women in any way

Yes the mental gymnastics required are immense. It never happens but when it does they were not true trans but gate keeping is bigoted. Men do it anyway but recognising male behaviour is bigoted unless happens in the mens toilet then its important to recognise the danger then women do it to so why do you want in then? Oh and its not safe in the mens but then its not a problem they can follow you onto the ladies but no man will do that whilst simultaneously doing it anyway...

My head hurts most the time

LucretiaBourgeois · 08/09/2020 13:01

The post is we have to accept anyone who identifies as trans and then when they commit a crime they are suddenly not proper trans.

But at the same time, no man would ever, ever claim to be trans in order to abuse women in any way.

VortexofBloggery · 08/09/2020 11:15

whatwouldscullydo agree with you on the "genuine trans" comment.

DaisiesandButtercups · 08/09/2020 10:35

This is really good, thanks for sharing OP. It is a very useful resource for discussions.

Whatwouldscullydo · 08/09/2020 08:37


I do take a bit of an issue with the "genuine trans" comment though.

I mean we all feel compelled to say it like we have to start sentences with "its not all men but. "

The post is we have to accept anyone who identifies as trans and then when they commit a crime they are suddenly not proper trans.

Just like everyone else there are good bad and every thing in between and tbh its unfair we have to take them but they don't.

MindTheMinotaur · 08/09/2020 08:01

'Gwent police declined to provide an image of Leah Harvey'. None of the reporting made clear that Leah was trans. The covering up of this case and others, allows my MP to claim that there are no issues at all in allowing TW access to single sex spaces.

I'm glad you posted this, I'll collate some of the links and send to him.

Kit19 · 08/09/2020 07:41

This is so good and also so bloody scary!

needaMNnamegenerator · 08/09/2020 00:04

That's really useful, thanks.

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