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Female professor forced out of university for supporting student.

29 replies

Siablue · 18/08/2020 10:49

This is a really shocking story but not surprising given what we know about universities. Professor Heather Savigny from DeMontfort University supported a student who was groped by a male professor. This happened on the dance floor at the faculty Christmas party.

OP posts:
nonsenceagain · 24/08/2020 09:51

Another academic who wishes this was surprising.

EchoCardioGran · 23/08/2020 20:24

I'm reminded of the quote
Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did, except backwards and in high heels.
Go Prof Heather go.

thinkingaboutLangCleg · 22/08/2020 08:20

I find it a bit odd that a woman who is a professor of gender studies puts on red stilettoes to be photographed.

“However we dress, wherever we go, yes means yes and no means no.”

I rather like the idea that a feminist fighting an important battle for other women does it in red stilettoes! She is not going quietly.

Dervel · 21/08/2020 03:32

About 75%of professors are men.

pandemonia · 20/08/2020 19:15

Heather Savigny puts on red stilletoes to take out the bins! What the fuck does that have to do with anything?

highame · 20/08/2020 09:15

Tarquinthecat you must be the area rep for ShoeZone ?


kitschplease · 20/08/2020 08:05

I hope Heather and the student have real-life support. Typical that the male academic gets off scot-free. I wonder how many more will come forward now.

TheFnozwhowasmirage · 19/08/2020 19:57

Shocking! Why wasn't the perpetrator investigated by the police? NDA's used for this reason are outrageous. DMU is one of our nearest universities and I'm hoping that DD1 doesn't want to go there,it really doesn't sound safe.
I was unaware that there were footwear rules for feminists? I wear wellies mostly,or men's work boots. Is this allowed?

FloresTorres · 19/08/2020 13:50

I'm unsurprised, academia has always been rife with gropey male staff.
The treatment of Heather Savigny and the student sends out a clear signal to women to avoid this place.

Tarquinthecat you must be the area rep for ShoeZone ?

AlltheLemurs · 19/08/2020 13:47


... Male professors are untouchable, and they know it...

I'm curious. Does anyone know the the sex ratio of professors at this university? I always think it's going to be that men outnumber women hugely, but you never know these days..

Male professors significantly outnumber female professors nationally so I would be amazed if it was the opposite at DMU. They have also had a scandal recently around there former VC who left in disgrace. Lots of allegations of bullying by senior staff.
YetAnotherSpartacus · 19/08/2020 13:35

Most of them have the decency not to (consciously) exploit that knowledge, but there are many that do

Not just with respect to sex, but also to ducking out of teaching, exploiting the labour of women and so on.

SocialMedea · 19/08/2020 13:33

... Male professors are untouchable, and they know it...

I'm curious. Does anyone know the the sex ratio of professors at this university? I always think it's going to be that men outnumber women hugely, but you never know these days..

GCAcademic · 19/08/2020 13:12


Moral of the story is that you should go to DMU if you're a man who wants to get away with groping women.

I'm afraid that this incident does not tell us something about DMU specifically, but rather about academia in general. It's what I'd what I'd expect to happen at pretty much any university. Male professors are untouchable, and they know it. Most of them have the decency not to (consciously) exploit that knowledge, but there are many that do.
Siablue · 19/08/2020 12:32


I find it a bit odd that a woman who is a professor of gender studies puts on red stilettoes to be photographed. I don't even know why I find it odd, though. Anyone with me on this?

In a word no. If you read this story and that was your sole concern there is something wrong with you.
OP posts:
Dervel · 19/08/2020 11:48

The fact this man feels he can grope his students in full public view tells you all you need to know about the culture at DMU. Professor Heather Savigny should get an OBE or something. I’m sure she knew she was risking her career by defending her student, that kind of courage is rare in the extreme, we’d be all better off if there were like her.

rose666 · 19/08/2020 11:46

why am I not surprised - this university DMU has an appalling record - my niece was going she is not now ....boycott such places to make a difference

Tarquinthecat · 19/08/2020 11:41

I find it a bit odd that a woman who is a professor of gender studies puts on red stilettoes to be photographed. I don't even know why I find it odd, though. Anyone with me on this?

anotherhumanfemale · 19/08/2020 11:18

Moral of the story is that you should go to DMU if you're a man who wants to get away with groping women.

YetAnotherSpartacus · 19/08/2020 11:14

I also wish I was surprised.

ComeOnBabyPopMyBubble · 18/08/2020 15:52

So the moral of the story is that DMU punishes victims and their supporters harsher than the perpetrators. Nice.

Binglebong · 18/08/2020 15:19

I wish I was surprised.

TalkingtoLangClegintheDark · 18/08/2020 15:12

How is a professor sexually assaulting a student (actually not just one, either) not gross misconduct and immediate dismissal, plus criminal charges to boot?

Did the last five decades just not happen?

Shameful. And the witch hunt against the woman who supported the victim compounds it further.

What a shit - and dangerous - place to work or study if you’re female. I really hope Savigny takes this a lot further.

Siablue · 18/08/2020 14:38


That's flipping awful - expect a few supporters along soon cos DMU are fucking obsessive about their social media ratings!

Well she is not backing down someone from the BBC is going to talk to her and she said she refused to sign a non disclosure agreement.’t-sign-one

Ironically she has done research into sexism in academia.
OP posts:
DominaShantotto · 18/08/2020 14:13

That's flipping awful - expect a few supporters along soon cos DMU are fucking obsessive about their social media ratings!

ItsAllGoingToBeFine · 18/08/2020 14:04

An undergraduate at De Montfort University claimed she was twice groped by a professor at a Christmas party.

The university told his alleged victim he had been given a ‘firm slap on the wrists


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