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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions


41 replies

Sexnotgender · 12/02/2020 16:12

A bit of a ‘no shit Sherlock’ discovery to those of us currently battling MRAs but fascinating all the same.

I was pondering why sooo many anti women activists had beards and now I know Smile

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SerendipityJane · 14/02/2020 15:07

There's a fascinating history of mens facial hair, if people like history ... it's had vogues in classical times, and gone out of fashion. Caesar was clean shaven, (and didn't you know it) whereas later emperors were quite heavily bearded.

In fact the 20th century is probably the cleanest shaven in 2000 years. Presumably because of the necessities of wearing gas masks.

There's also been a status thing about male facial hair - if you think of the increasingly ludicrous moustache styles of the Victorian and Edwardian gentlemen - clearly a sign to all that they didn't need to work for a living.

Then the 1960s (or even 1950s) counterculture making beards a statement of rebellion.

The fact the word "barbarian" entwines the Greek "bar bar" with the latin "barba" in reference to uncivilised cultures (i.e. non-Greek or Roman) is also fascinating.

sawdustformypony · 14/02/2020 14:44

because combatants in American civil war couldn’t shave while on service.

And here's a portrait of Ol' Stonewall himself. Stickler for the rules that crazy dude - got himself all shot up in some friendly fire. Yeah right.

Plornish · 14/02/2020 13:15

My late DF had a beard, from the late 1960s. He was not a hippy, but left-wing, and definitely not misogynistic. But beards have changed meaning over time: e.g. in 1860s+ they were associated with soldiery courage/pride etc. because combatants in American civil war couldn’t shave while on service. That’s why married Amish men have beards, but not moustaches, because they are pacifists.

SapphireSeptember · 13/02/2020 22:14

Damn, I like men with beards, although my ex-H had one and he was a bit of an arsehole. In my defence I've had a thing for beardy men since forever, paired with long hair and occasionally a skirt/kilt. Grin My current special friend has a bit of of a beard, but I don't discuss gender politics with him (yet.)

Sexnotgender · 13/02/2020 19:44

I reckon saucy would probably quell most desires in you😂

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DuLANGMondeFOREVER · 13/02/2020 19:23

If Saucy has a beard, it might be the cure for my pogonophillia Grin

Saucy99 · 13/02/2020 18:42

You’re showing your true colours now saucy, didn’t take long😉

Sorry I didn't mean women. I meant philistines. Apologies for the offense.

Natsku · 13/02/2020 18:31

My ex was the 'the man in the relationship must make all final decisions or the family is doomed' kind of sexist. His beard went down to his belly button.

BacklashStarts · 13/02/2020 18:27

The woke are quite often fiercely women hating their woke credentials being nothing but a mask beard to hide behind to tell women how they are doing being a woman wrong.

Very much like the men who bang on about nothing being game players are usually much more manipulative than the average bloke.

Sexnotgender · 13/02/2020 18:22

You’re showing your true colours now saucy, didn’t take long😉

OP posts:
Saucy99 · 13/02/2020 18:22

''Blah blah beard blah blah.''
The kind of intellectual debate I've come to expect from your lot 😂

Freespeecher · 13/02/2020 18:00

As the owner of a newly-sprouted beard (it was a quiet Christmas), my two penn'orth is that beards right now, rather than being the preserve of macho women-haters, are mostly favoured by the woke (who, while they may be the latter, are rarely the former).

To distinguish myself from said undesirables I've gone for the 'naval captain' look (which, as the day goes on, tends to degenerate into the 'desperate arctic explorer who's just eaten his last husky' look).

Sexnotgender · 13/02/2020 17:57

Blah blah beard blah blah.

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Saucy99 · 13/02/2020 17:43

You start a thread about 'research' which uses a laughably small sample size to point to the fact that men with beards are more likely to be misogynists. Someone questions the voracity of the research and you say it is one of many studies. When pressed for more of these sources, the onus is then on the questionee to look it up. Game set and match.
Cool story 'luv'.

Sexnotgender · 13/02/2020 14:58

Lol cool story bro

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Saucy99 · 13/02/2020 14:44

Lol, thought not.

Sexnotgender · 13/02/2020 14:20

Try google.

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Saucy99 · 13/02/2020 14:08

Great, could you please indicate the other studies you mention please?

Sexnotgender · 13/02/2020 12:02

Of course it’s not conclusive. It’s certainly interesting though and it’s far from the only study to draw the same conclusion.

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missproportionate · 13/02/2020 11:59

My DF has always had a beard. He’s an ever retired left wing teacher. He’s a very nice man 😀. In the 80s he was continually (and actually quite nastily and rudely) taunted by his middle aged and middle class white friends in their middle class town. Pretty much all his friends who weren’t teachers.

In the same town me and DP used to nip out for a drink when tHe DCs were babies (10 years back) and he would get weird looks and actual comments if he dared to wear his hat as wellas his beard.

Now in the same bar at Christmas nearly all the men had beards, and barely an eyebrow raised at the group of men with beards, shaved heads and flowery dresses sitting (not ironically) at a table.

Still all white and middle class though.

QuentinWinters · 13/02/2020 11:50

I hate beards and blame the twits

BlackForestCake · 13/02/2020 01:39

I am not sure I'd be keen on bearded waiters. Would they not have a higher risk of hair in the food?

I seem to remember some sort of TV report involving a food factory and the bearded staff members had to wear hairnets over their chins.


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InTheShadowOfTheMushroomCloud · 12/02/2020 22:46

My DH has long hair and a long beard. He is also nearly 60.
He doesn't believe TWAW...he says it's bollocks!
He also dislikes 'hipsters' even though he looks like the grand daddy of the hipster!

Goosefoot · 12/02/2020 22:42

I would not think you could extrapolate the results worldwide.

Saucy99 · 12/02/2020 21:26

On online survey of 500 out of the 3,000,000,000 men in the world is hardly 'conclusive' is it?

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