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RollOnFriday - law firm writes report called "Only adults? Good practices in legal gender recognition for youth"

109 replies

somebrightmorning · 29/11/2019 19:04

RollOnFriday is a satirical online magazine for solicitors.

Dentons is a very very large law firm (but I'm not impressed because I remember them when they were merely Denton Hall....)

I commend this article from RollOnFriday to you:

and I see RollOnFriday also reported this:

You will like this extract:
"Critics of gender self-ID have warned that it will adversely impact women and children in many areas, including rape crisis centres, single-sex hospital wards, women’s sport and identification of discrimination. Dentons' 65-page report characterises their position in two sentences, as concerns which "normally come from women’s groups" about "female prisoners and female public toilets".

Dentons' report also describes critics of gender self-ID as 'TERFs', which began as an acronym for "trans-exclusionary radical feminists" and is understood by many of its targets as a misogynist slur.

When it was asked to comment on aspects of its report, Dentons initially offered up Atanas Politov, its Director for Pro Bono, for an interview. Then it asked for written questions in advance. When these were provided, the world's largest firm by headcount was unable to find anyone prepared to answer them, and gave a general statement instead."

My own position is that hormonal or surgical intervention on a 12 year old is prima facie child abuse and so I'm very surprised that Dentons published such a report.

OP posts:
TimeLady · 03/12/2019 07:39

Aimee Challenor was also standing for deputy leader of the Greens at the time. Can you imagine any other politician getting off so lightly?

I'm starting to wonder how many employees are already clandestinely implementing these underhand tactics in the BBC, the Civil Service and other organisations.

Uncompromisingwoman · 03/12/2019 10:00

This is as serious as it gets. A law firm and Reuters foundation promote an article that advocates the removal of parental rights / responsibilities and strips away the fundamental bedrock of safeguarding - the ability of parents to protect their children from influences that take advantage of a child's lack of ability to give informed consent.

Yet how on earth can ordinary parents stand up against such powerful vested interests targeting children like this? I despair.

clitherow · 03/12/2019 10:06

This is as serious as it gets. A law firm and Reuters foundation promote an article that advocates the removal of parental rights / responsibilities and strips away the fundamental bedrock of safeguarding - the ability of parents to protect their children from influences that take advantage of a child's lack of ability to give informed consent.

And if this doesn't go some way to proving that there are forces afoot that want to isolate and strip the human being of everything that would protect them from being directly controlled by govt/corporate/bureaucratic power structures in the service of a particular ideology that incorporates but is not defined by the transgender issue, then I don't know what will.

ItsAllGoingToBeFine · 03/12/2019 10:37

It describes how activists in Ireland "have directly lobbied individual politicians and tried to keep press coverage to a minimum in order to avoid this issue”.

Searching for gender under purpose of lobbying is interesting.

TimeLady · 03/12/2019 10:37

New CEO at Thomas Reuters' appointed this year

Antonio is the founder of Openly, the world’s first global platform dedicated to coverage of LGBT+ stories with distribution to 1 billion Reuters clients daily.

In 2018, Antonio ranked first in the OUTstanding list of third sector LGBT executives published by the Financial Times. In 2017, he was named a European Young Leader by Friends of Europe. In 2016, he was awarded the Talented Young Italians Award by Italian Chamber of Commerce.

Antonio is a One Young World Ambassador and a World Economic Forum agenda contributor. He sits on the Board of OUT in Business at the London Business School.

One of the wokest of the woke

LangCleg · 03/12/2019 10:55

And if this doesn't go some way to proving that there are forces afoot that want to isolate and strip the human being of everything that would protect them from being directly controlled by govt/corporate/bureaucratic power structures in the service of a particular ideology that incorporates but is not defined by the transgender issue, then I don't know what will.

Indeed. The new feudalism is genuinely around the next corner and we're still full of idiots going "but why can't you be nicer to the sad men?"

BernardBlacksWineIceLolly · 03/12/2019 11:02

god, this is astonishing. EVERYONE needs to read this


GrinitchSpinach · 03/12/2019 11:30

I hope Kirkup and other journalists really dig in to this. The document was prepared pro bono. Why? At whose request? Are there parallel strategic documents in other countries where institutional capture has taken place?

clitherow · 03/12/2019 12:21

Do you know, I just can't believe it. It's like watching a car crash in slow motion, but this car is the size of a bloody planet.

BiologyIsReal · 03/12/2019 14:43

And I was reading in other threads (not FWR) how sick some posters are of the concentration in FWR on the trans issue. If even other mumsnetters don't get/care what is going on, what hope is there?

nauticant · 03/12/2019 14:53

If you know deep down there's something not right about your ideology, then you need to do two things: 1) stop others discussing it and 2) avoid explaining what you believe.

littlbrowndog · 03/12/2019 14:57

Why are they hiding it.

They admit the public wouldn5 like it

What are they hiding from the public

Stripping away safeguarding from children

Aethelthryth · 03/12/2019 15:06

Law firms seem to be falling over themselves es to ingratiate themselves with the trans lobby. Slaughter and May (yup, really) has posted on its Trainee Careers FB page its support for an event called "Trans in the City". I think they're all terrified of being blacklisted by some woke organisation with the result that applications for training contracts will dry up. These are organisations which bang on endlessly about the need to think critically and to stand one's ground in the face of a lack of logic; but they seem to be making a predictable exception

Kit19 · 03/12/2019 15:20

Slaughter & May are far from the only ones

its makes me want to smash things that these kind of companies were lazy af in supporting equality for women, people from BAME communities and people with disabiities - its taken years to get inroads in the City for those groups but the trans agenda is fully accepted and promoted within what 3/4years?? how the hell did it happen?

nauticant · 03/12/2019 15:28

For international law firms it's about them wanting to embed their brand into the middle of active areas of policy development, legislation, etc. Especially when it's those areas that have an aura of making the world a better place.

It's the equivalent of a tech company doing blue sky research in the hope of massive pay-offs in the future.

Aethelthryth · 03/12/2019 15:46

It may be because they can bang the woke/diverse/inclusive drum about trans questions without too much prospect of actually having to employ [m]any trans people.

Michelleoftheresistance · 03/12/2019 16:07

these kind of companies were lazy af in supporting equality for women, people from BAME communities and people with disabiities - its taken years to get inroads in the City for those groups but the trans agenda is fully accepted and promoted within what 3/4years?? how the hell did it happen?

Isn't it amazing what the difference is when the group in question is by massive majority, male, white, straight, able bodied, affluent and educated?

BernardBlacksWineIceLolly · 03/12/2019 16:25

We’re basically just cannon fodder providing the next generation of cannon fodder to these people. What business do we have expecting to have any say in their decisions about our children?

The astonishing thing is we all know how shit the outcomes are for children where the state acts in loco parentis

Uncompromisingwoman · 03/12/2019 16:38

Indeed Bernard. The state makes a terrible parent when children are pushed out or fall out of their families. You just have to look at all the reviews into abuse in children's homes etc.
Yet here are all these powerful, influential groups actively advocating to remove children from their parents and nobody gives a damn. No politicians, the powerful and influential, safeguarding charities paid £££ of public money, the police or the legal profession.

Everyone is standing back and silent while these groups openly propose the removal of a generation of children from their parents? Why isn't this the headline in every paper / news bulletin?

Clymene · 03/12/2019 16:55

Isn't it amazing what the difference is when the group in question is by massive majority, male, white, straight, able bodied, affluent and educated?

Isn't it indeed?

And yes, who is going to look after all these children? Despite what some prominent people might say on Twitter, I suspect they don't actually want a glut of angst-ridden, emotionally fragile teenagers turning up on their doorstep.

And even if the State were any good at providing care (it isn't), it kicks kids out at 16 and, if they're lucky, gives them a bedsit and a couple of hundred quid. We are all collateral damage.

Uncompromisingwoman · 03/12/2019 17:11

I'd like to get this thread pinned at the top of every board until people actually notice what is going on!!!

BovaryX · 03/12/2019 17:56

I hope Kirkup and other journalists really dig in to this. The document was prepared pro bono. Why? At whose request? Are there parallel strategic documents in other countries where institutional capture has taken place?

The entire thing is almost unbelievable. This lobby group have got a vice like grip on the entire apparatus of the state and they have done it with absolutely zero media or public scrutiny. It hasn’t happened over night, it must have been going on for years. Who the hell is funding this? Who are these people? It’s profoundly anti democratic. I hope the media does some relentless forensic investigation into this because it’s deeply sinister


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BernardBlacksWineIceLolly · 03/12/2019 18:00

It is jaw dropping

I’d really like to see this in the national press

It would be super to see Denton’s defending this report

Clymene · 03/12/2019 18:08

So, a summary. This is what IGLYO (an organisation funded by the EC and the Dutch government) advocate.
Good practice in national legal frameworks

  1. Quick and affordable access to legal gender recognition based on the model of selfdetermination - no medical diagnosis or legal intervention, low cost, no requirement to 'live in acquired gender'

  1. Extending the process to minors

"It is recognised that the requirement for parental consent or the consent of a legal guardian can be restrictive and problematic for minors."
However, they do also acknowledge that minors need additional support and care. Not at all clear what that means.

  1. No requirement for sterilisation, surgical, medical treatment or diagnosis - think that doesn't need any further clarification. Exactly what it says.

  1. Relationships should only be altered if favourable

"There should be no effects of altering one’s legal gender on marriage or succession. In addition, the individual should not be required to ask permission from their spouse.
As for parenthood, trans parents should be recognised in accordance with their legal gender identity in their children’s birth certificates. This should apply equally to parents who change their legal gender after having had children and parents who have children after having changed their legal gender."

So spouses do not have the right of veto.
Children can have their birth certificates altered after they have been born if their parent decides to change gender (they haven't really thought this whole 'rights of the child' thing through have they?)

  1. Legal gender recognition at birth

The leading countries do not require children to be assigned a legal gender at birth (e.g. Malta, which allows intersex children to wait until they are 18 before declaring their legal gender). Such provisions should apply to all children.
Nice conflation of intersex with trans there.
And how does that work? If children are legally allowed to decide their gender when they're minors, are we now saying they should wait until they're 18? It's all a bit around here!

  1. Recognition of a third gender - x marks the spot

  1. Gender confirmation treatment should be available and reimbursable

"Gender confirmation treatment should be accessible and state-supported. 7. Gender confirmation treatment should be available and reimbursable
Gender confirmation treatment should be accessible and state-supported (or in certain circumstances, supplemented). It is crucial that there are no limitations to access this treatment such as the requirement to be diagnosed with gender dysphoria to have access to these treatments.

Hang on, I thought you didn't want any treatment? But if you do want treatment, it should just be because you say so. And the State should pay for it!

  1. Established sanctions for breaching the law on gender recognition

"Finally, based on our research, the message that has come out strongly has been that the law on legal gender recognition should be binding upon public officials who apply it. A refusal to grant the requested legal gender should not be arbitrary and must be motivated by legitimate grounds specifically provided for by the law. More generally, any discrimination based on gender reassignment or gender identity should be prohibited. Any person who has been discriminated against should be able to file a complaint and
receive compensation."

If your parents won't let you be the gender you identify as, you should be able to sue them. And if your teacher accidentally calls you Emil rather than Emily, you'll sue them too! That'll learn em

Phew. Next lot of recommendations in next post.
TimeLady · 03/12/2019 18:08

Why did Denton's publish it? Was it leaked?

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