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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

feminist texts for early secondary

7 replies

greyfriarskitty · 21/11/2017 21:57

Can you help me find feminist theory/history/thought books which would be good for DD, who is 11, can read at a level above that but isn't emotionally ready for adult feminist texts. But she is desperate to start - and I can't think of or find a single suitable book.

OP posts:
Pantah630 · 21/11/2017 22:01

I have bought the Rebel Girls book for DN and my Goddaughter, it may be too young for your DD though. It concentrates on positive female role models. Will find you a link.

ItsAllGoingToBeFine · 21/11/2017 22:02

Just beware the rebel girls book has Margaret Thatcher, and a boy in it Wink

Pantah630 · 21/11/2017 22:04

Really?? The Good Night Stories one, rats, I really should have read it rather than just flicked through :(

ItsAllGoingToBeFine · 21/11/2017 22:05

It's still a really good book though, and the inclusion of those two is a good jump off point for some interesting discussions

greyfriarskitty · 21/11/2017 22:06

I think she'd quite like a walk through explanation of how women have been treated throughout history, quite possibly with some whys and some examples of discrimination and how it works today.

I can also believe that this doesn't exist. Perhaps I need to write it.

OP posts:
DJBaggySmalls · 21/11/2017 22:06

There's a gap on the market here...

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