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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Doing The Deed

20 replies

PenguinsandPebbles · 13/12/2016 03:30

I'm not 100% sure if this is for feminist chat but I find myself being annoyed and equally concerned that women often refer to sex as DTD.

I have seen it so many times on TTC threads, and in someway I do understand that it becomes a bit of an effort (2 years no live births 7 miscarriages) it's hard but when TTC, to call it a deed? It's a phrase I guess but it doesn't sit well for me or my partner soon to be husband. He is appalled by this term, he hates the idea that it's a thing we just do.

But what really concerns me is that Ive seen more recently women ask AIBU my partner is doing XYZ and why is he doing this when we DTD once a week.

These women are thinking it's a duty to "DTD" and I just want to say no! No it's not, you should do it because you want to.

You make love, have sex, fuck because you want too - not because it's a deed! Or duty!

OP posts:
NoncommittalToSparkleMotion · 13/12/2016 03:52

I never liked the phrase either.

I also don't like calling it baby dancing either, but I digress.

pseudonymity · 13/12/2016 03:53

Doing the deed sounds very English to me, a bit like 'How's your father?'

Eminybob · 13/12/2016 05:28

It's just a phrase I think.
Personally I refuse to use it or BD on the conception boards, I use "have sex" but mainly because I think they are twee, nothing else. Refuse to use AF too.

AmberEars · 13/12/2016 05:41

I think it's just a handy acronym and people forget what it actually stands for. Similarly I don't know anyone in real life who would refer to their period as Auntie Flo, but AF is used all the time on the TTC board. I don't think using the acronym DTD implies that you think of sex as a duty.

PenguinsandPebbles · 13/12/2016 09:00

Good to get others views, I personally hate it.

It does bother me more when I see it away from a TTC type board.

I will stop being so precious about it

OP posts:
TeaPleaseLouise · 13/12/2016 09:06

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WhenSheWasBadSheWasHorrid · 13/12/2016 12:00

It never bothered me.

If you are struggling when TTC it is really distressing (been there).

I always saw DTD as a way to try and lighten the mood on what can be a truly dark time in your life. I used to joke I'd had pointless sex "definitely not ovulating, complete waste of sperm and effort"
Obviously I didn't really feel that way but sharing a dark sense of humour with others in the same boat really helped.

birdsdestiny · 13/12/2016 12:05

Well now I feel stupid. I always thought AF meant A friend.

HeyRobot · 15/12/2016 18:34

I've never thought of DTD as being anything other than a bit of a joke that has become an accepted acronym - so either it's become a bit twee or it's a joke about acronyms.

I haven't seen it a lot recently so I'm happy to be corrected.

I do see 'fell pregnant' a lot, which I assume must be a common phrase, but I'd never heard it before mn and I think it's awful!

paxillin · 15/12/2016 22:31

I've read "BD" before. "Baby dancing". Bleurgh, must go scrub my keyboard and fingers now.

PhilODox · 15/12/2016 23:12

I thought 'the deed' meant the same as 'the act', so a fairly neutral way of talking about having sex? As in, you can say that in polite company without raising eyebrows?

EvenTheWind · 16/12/2016 07:30

Like any group of people going through something difficult together, a shared jargon can help.

There are plenty of phrases around sex that do bother me (taking advantage of is often a euphemism for coercion and assault), but DTD isn't one.

flumpybear · 16/12/2016 07:47

I've never really thought about it broken down in its smaller parts lol - I personally hate Shakespeare's reference to it!!! Confused

Prawnofthepatriarchy · 16/12/2016 09:44

I guess if you're posting about TTC then DTD is an easy euphemism for the specific acts that can result in pregnancy. I've never seen "baby dancing" before, but in context I think is very sweet, but then I'm a bit of a sentimentalist. Christmas Eve has particularly happy memories for me, because it was then that my DH and I started TTC our first DC. It did make DTD (& Christmas Eve) all the more magical.

scottishdiem · 17/12/2016 15:51

Struggling to make the connection between deed and duty? A deed is not an obligation. Just like someone might do good deeds. Like, "thats my good deed for the day".

pseudonymity · 17/12/2016 15:57

True, Scottish. I think the sense that 'deed' is a binding act (and therefore a duty?) comes from it having a legal meaning.

scottishdiem · 17/12/2016 16:08

Certainly a deed can be a contract that results in obligations/duties/ownership but we don't say DtD to mean "doing the contract" or "doing the house ownership document".

It is clearly an action word/term.

LassWiTheDelicateAir · 17/12/2016 16:21

I thought 'the deed' meant the same as 'the act',

It's horribly twee but I can't see any connection with duty or obligation.

We talk about good deeds, bad deeds , "dirty deeds done dirt cheap" for AC/DC fans (which I misheard as "dirty deeds done with sheep")

Lumpylumperson · 17/12/2016 16:26

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PhilODox · 17/12/2016 18:56

I meant deed = act as in good deeds. No duty connotations.

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