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was i wrong? reddit

9 replies

PassiveAgressiveQueen · 21/06/2016 21:47

Something really weird on reddit, ok i wandered into 2xchromosomes where a woman was asking about good precschool girls telly, someone said "my sister watched princess stuff and is fine"
I replied i thought quite uncontroversily
"So it is also ok if there are no black or asian people on telly or in films as hey who cares.

People learn an awful lot from the stories they are told and if their whole life they are told girls don't do climbing trees they do dresses and balls and giggling that will limit their life views.

If from birth they see men in white coats doing science,girls wearing pretty dresses what do you think they will grow up thinking."

I have been seriously downvoted, did i say anything wrong or was it just reddit?

OP posts:
PassiveAgressiveQueen · 22/06/2016 23:01

Have you seen the school video where they discuss three jobs, surgeon, fighter piloet and something else maybe fire fighter. all the kids draw men.

Then 3 women walk in who do the jobs.

See fireman is just snappier and easier to say than fire fighter.

OP posts:
ChocChocPorridge · 22/06/2016 08:54

Hell - I just re-read my post, and there I go - Space men. Gendered language is everywhere, I can't imagine how that can't affect people's thinking.

Astronaut. That's what I should have said

ChocChocPorridge · 22/06/2016 08:31

I don't see how representation on TV can't have an effect.

I remember watching a load of kids drawing faces for a wall frieze and my son's school. Mostly white kids, they all reached for the pink crayons. What surprised me, is so did the black/asian kids - because of a combination of peer pressure, and that that is just what they see.

To the teacher's credit, I think she noticed too, because the next time when they did space men, she'd pre-cut out paper ovals for faces in all shades and just randomly handed them out.

It seems a small thing, but if the majority of people you see are a certain way (and if you look in older books, it's all white faces, and the doctors are all men) it has an effect. It must do.

ChocChocPorridge · 22/06/2016 08:26

What WeMust says.

Always best to lurk on a sub and see what the feel is - many are not what they say on the tin.

LassWiTheDelicateAir · 22/06/2016 05:34

"my sister watched princess stuff and is fine"
I replied i thought quite uncontroversily
"So it is also ok if there are no black or asian people on telly or in films as hey who cares.

The 2 statements don't follow logically. Girls and women are not depicted only as princesses. The first statement is true. Girls' brains don't stop working just because they might wear a Disney Princess dress.

People learn an awful lot from the stories they are told and if their whole life they are told girls don't do climbing trees they do dresses and balls and giggling that will limit their life views

Setting aside why exactly there is such an obsession on MN about climbing trees who actually is telling girls they can't climb trees? I've never heard anyone say this or read it anywhere other than on MN.

If from birth they see men in white coats doing science,girls wearing pretty dresses what do you think they will grow up thinking

Presumably like everyone else who attends a doctor's , dentist's or vet's surgery or hospital they will see women in white coats. I don't watch much television but are you really saying Casualty et al have no women in white coats?

WeMustSurelyBeLearning · 22/06/2016 04:08

2xchromosomes is full of MRAs and transactivists. I avoid it.

PassiveAgressiveQueen · 21/06/2016 22:39

Thanks, a couple of people were questioning why, i was at -11 when i went to copy and paste.

OP posts:
AnchorDownDeepBreath · 21/06/2016 22:23

I'd put money on it being the way that you wrote it, instead of what you wrote. Reddit subs are quite diverse in their styles and you're expected to conform to those styles - you can disagree and offer opposing opinions etc, but you need to write in the correct style. In some of the news subs that's verifiable info only, some of the academic subs are very impersonal and formally written, two chromosomes is supposed to be supportive and friendly. Tough love, at times, but not really sarcastic or condescending.

TheCountessofFitzdotterel · 21/06/2016 22:19

Do you think they missed your irony and thought you were seriously saying no black or Asian people on TV is fine?

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