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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Post on FB about women which got right up my nose

58 replies

TashaYar · 08/02/2016 19:43

I've C&P'd it in all its dubious glory:

"This is one of the best posts I've read about woman... Please read it completely... it's worth it...

WOMAN. . . . . . . . .

When God created woman he was working late on the 6th day.......

An angel came by and asked." Why spend so much time on her?"

The lord answered. "Have you seen all the specifications I have to meet to shape her?"

She must function on all kinds of situations,
She must be able to embrace several kids at the same time,
Have a hug that can heal anything from a bruised knee to a broken heart,
She must do all this with only two hands,"
She cures herself when sick and can work 18 hours a day"

THE ANGEL was impressed" Just two hands.....impossible!

And this is the standard model?"

The Angel came closer and touched the woman"
"But you have made her so soft, Lord".
"She is soft", said the Lord,
"But I have made her strong. You can't imagine what she can endure and overcome"

"Can she think?" The Angel asked...
The Lord answered. "Not only can she think, she can reason and negotiate"

The Angel touched her cheeks....
"Lord, it seems this creation is leaking! You have put too many burdens on her"
"She is not is a tear" The Lord corrected the Angel…

"What's it for?" Asked the Angel..... .
The Lord said. "Tears are her way of expressing her grief, her doubts, her love, her loneliness, her suffering and her pride."...

This made a big impression on the Angel,
"Lord, you are a genius. You thought of everything.
A woman is indeed marvellous"

Lord said."Indeed she is.
She has strength that amazes a man.
She can handle trouble and carry heavy burdens.
She holds happiness, love and opinions.
She smiles when she feels like screaming.
She sings when she feels like crying, cries when happy and laughs when afraid.
She fights for what she believes in.

Her love is unconditional.
Her heart is broken when a next-of-kin or a friend dies but she finds strength to get on with life"

The Angel asked: So she is a perfect being?
The lord replied: No. She has just one drawback
"She often forgets what she is worth".

Send it to all the women u respect ....👍

And to all men who respect woman 👍👍

W O M A N:
● changes her name.
● changes her home.
● leaves her family.
● moves in with you.
● builds a home with you.
● gets pregnant for you.
● pregnancy changes her body.
● she gets fat.
● almost gives up in the labour room due to the unbearable pain of child birth..
● even the kids she delivers bear your name..

Till the day she dies.. everything she does... cooking, cleaning your house, taking care of your parents, bringing up your children, earning, advising you, ensuring you can be relaxed, maintaining all family relations, everything that benefit you.. sometimes at the cost of her own health, hobbies and beauty.

So who is really doing whom a favour?

Dear men, appreciate the women in your lives always, because it is not easy to be a woman.

Being a woman is priceless

Happy women's week!

Pass this to every woman in your contact to make her feel proud of herself.
Rock the world ladies!
A salute to ladies!


I respect women."


I'm not the only one chanting fuck off fuck off fuck off am I?

OP posts:
BunnyTyler · 10/02/2016 12:10

I love it!
It is just so awful, that it is glorious. I really, really want it to come up on my FB so I can mock it viciously GrinGrin

grimbletart · 10/02/2016 11:49

And it's why I wouldn't touch FB with a ten foot pole.

PreemptiveSalvageEngineer · 10/02/2016 09:19

I am laughing at and loving your responses. Thanks, guys.

See, this is why I keep a very slim (more importantly, selective) FB friends list.

LovelyFriend · 10/02/2016 00:27

I was not exposed to that horror show on FB.

I was exposed to it on the MN Feminist board. ShockShock


MrsToddsShortcut · 09/02/2016 11:50

Sadly this sort of tripe (including the angel/God conversation, which made me RAGE) is constantly posted by colleagues of mine. I can't get too frothy because it will sour work relations. I'm going to have to unfollow.

Lottapianos · 09/02/2016 10:30

Dear lord. I would most definitely have to ditch anybody who posted either of those things, both on FB and in real life. Its scary how incredibly stupid some people are. I would be tempted to post some witty rebuttal about how utterly offensive and sickening it all is, but I think that trying to explain any of that to someone who posted such nonsense would be like trying to reason with a brick.

MatildaBeetham · 09/02/2016 10:22

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

IfNotNowThenWhenever · 09/02/2016 09:57

Oh my fucking Lord gerund the first few of those are really a list of what children are like. I cant follow simple instructions ...I count on my fingers.!!?? Do people really think grown women are like this??

HelpfulChap · 09/02/2016 09:48

FB philosophy. Who needs Socrates or Nietzsche?

FrozenAteMyDaughter · 09/02/2016 09:47

Oh that one fails even to make sense Gerund. of that irony song that had no examples of irony in it. None of those examples are even stereotypically female. Who writes this rubbish?

NeverEverAnythingEver · 09/02/2016 09:44


GerundTheBehemoth · 09/02/2016 09:41


Someone has just posted this on my FB. I want to reply with: 'Yes, I'm a woman. I have female anatomy and XX chromosomes ............................................ nope, that's it.'

Post on FB about women which got right up my nose
MatildaBeetham · 09/02/2016 09:33

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

FrozenAteMyDaughter · 09/02/2016 09:28

Oh vom. Definitely a certain flavour of Christian claptrap. Someone above said it. Tell women how much actual people (men) appreciate women doing all the crap stuff they don't want to do and the women will feel valued and won't wonder why they don't get careers and hobbies and equal rights and stuff. Patronising drivel.

NeverEverAnythingEver · 09/02/2016 09:23

OP I think you should reply to the post with the posts on here. Grin

Woman = self-sacrificing saint. I wonder who benefits from that. Hmm

Anniegetyourgun · 09/02/2016 09:17

They forgot "earns all the money your household subsists on so you can faff about with your fucking hobby that you like to pretend is a business".

fastdaytears · 09/02/2016 07:34

Freshwater or to the hard drugs, which might cause weight loss. A few other side effects though...

FreshwaterSelkie · 09/02/2016 07:25

Oh god, another "this is what it means to be a woman" lists that I fail abysmally.

That has seriously given me the boak. I couldn't work out why it was mandatory that women got fat, but then I realised that living like that would most certainly drive you to the biscuit cupboard.

ObsidianBlackbirdMcNight · 09/02/2016 06:58

Did a Muslim post that? Genuine question
Why ask that question? I'm guessing the answer is no, one because the god creating the world in 6 days isn't part of their mythology and 2 because Muslim women don't change their surnames. That is a Christian tract if ever I saw one.

StealthPolarBear · 09/02/2016 06:43

But I'm fat and I haven't given anyone children."

Don't worry. By "children" the author actually means boy children (it goes without saying! ) So anyone round here who has only given girl children is equally a failure. When we get our womanly appraisals some people are in for a shock. Anything else you think you've done or been doesn't count I'm afraid. Washing pants, cooking steak and bearing boy children.

tribpot · 09/02/2016 06:18

Sounds like the main thing men should be appreciating based on this post is the fact they aren't women.

HelpfulChap · 09/02/2016 06:15

You could fail to be moved by such inspirational words?



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SlowFJH · 09/02/2016 04:57

It's actually beautiful and moving.

0phelia · 08/02/2016 23:22

Looks like a religious misogynist rant to me.

Underneath the appraisal is a deep belief that women have a very specific role in the world.

PrettyBrightFireflies · 08/02/2016 22:52

Unfriend and block. Could you report to FB as offensive? Wink

I don't see these awful things on FB since I began a new culling regime Grin

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