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Two examples of everyday sexism that annoyed me this weekend

12 replies

susannahmoodie · 26/08/2014 10:06

I blame this board!

Saw an organised mum 'like book' on sale 'for busy women'. Grrr.

Took dcs to a railway museum and got stopped by a market researcher. Se asked the usual ?s and then asked for dh's age and occupation but not mine. I'm actually the main breadwinner, a professional and dh is a labourer so I suppose it will skew their results slightly.

Just my observations. Anyone else?

OP posts:
grimbletart · 26/08/2014 10:18

susannahmoodie: I always refuse to take part in surveys that do that. If enough women do market research would have to change its methods to reflect society better.

susannahmoodie · 26/08/2014 12:53

I will definitely refuse on future. I have emailed them to say how sexist their mr questions are.

OP posts:
hollie84 · 26/08/2014 12:54

What is a "like book"?

OutsSelf · 26/08/2014 12:59

Someone congratulated me on how involved my partner was in childcare etc. He does no more that me, about the same, except I earn all the money. No one has ever congratulated him on the very high level I contribute to family life in comparison to other bread winners with SAH partners

susannahmoodie · 26/08/2014 13:17

Oops typo I meant 'life book"- just a sort of diary/planner. But you never see them aimed at 'busy men' do you?

OP posts:
SevenZarkSeven · 26/08/2014 19:08

Did you just tell the researcher the info or did you ask why she wanted to know about someone else when you'd just answered all the questions?

That seems to fox them (on the few times it's happened). If they then say "oh we need the oldest in the household" or "oh we need the main earner" then I say HA that is both me so take that. I am also first alphabetically. Actually, I think I would be tempted to lie if they said something like "oh we need the details of the tallest person".

Why WHY do they ask about the man? Esp when they have been talking to you? It's fucking rude. + what about all the people who then have to say actually I'm single / widowed etc not exactly tactful is it.

Baffled, actually.

SevenZarkSeven · 26/08/2014 19:09

Meant to put a Grin after the alphabetical bit Grin

PortofinoRevisited · 26/08/2014 19:17

I like the "life books" ours sits in the kitchen and gets dates and shopping lists added to it. The actually book itself says nothing about mums. It's the company name. Which I agree is probably a bit shit.

slugseatlettuce · 26/08/2014 22:44

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SevenZarkSeven · 27/08/2014 12:45

What situation was it slug? That sounds utterly bizarre.

What a fucking rude person.

slugseatlettuce · 27/08/2014 15:50

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SevenZarkSeven · 27/08/2014 16:39

You live a very interesting life, slug Grin

I wish I could say I had been approached by pretend monks recently, whether sexist or otherwise, but I really don't get out much Sad

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