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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Films with "hysterical " men

15 replies

HollyMiamiFLA · 15/02/2014 14:41

Can men be hysterical?

Watching Ice Cold in Alex. Great film but it's so sexist. Taking "the women" to safety. One of the nurses panicking and screaming.

The men being all strong.

I can't think of a film with "hysterical " men.

OP posts:
whatdoesittake48 · 17/02/2014 11:03

men are often hysterical in films - that is why they go round shooting people indiscriminately. You would need to be off your rocker to do that - surely...

oh hold a minute - that is what makes them manly.

StickEmUpBigStyle · 16/02/2014 18:00

What woman want!

KissesBreakingWave · 15/02/2014 23:29

Actually two of the three human characters in Aliens who keep their heads throughout are women. Lt. Ripley and pvt Vasquez. It's Vasquez who steadied lt Gorman down to die with some dignity, taking aliens with them.

HollyMiamiFLA · 15/02/2014 19:08

TBF - if I had an alien coming out of my stomach, I'd probably be hysterical.

But Ice Cold in Alex portrayed both female characters badly. The other one burst into tears all the time and "couldn't understand what she'd been told".

The men saved her because that was their job.

OP posts:
scallopsrgreat · 15/02/2014 18:57

Yep that sums it up grimbletart.

Never seen Aliens but good on Ripley! Sounds like a film I'd like Grin

grimbletart · 15/02/2014 18:42

I think men do get hysterical though. They just do it with deeper voices and call it anger….

KissesBreakingWave · 15/02/2014 17:38

Hudson was. Ripley rescues all of the Marines when Lt. Gorman loses it to panic. Which I suppose could be called him getting hysterical.

scallopsrgreat · 15/02/2014 17:14

And that was supposed to say None not Nine!

scallopsrgreat · 15/02/2014 17:13

I like Armageddon too!

scallopsrgreat · 15/02/2014 17:13

Nine of those men were rescued by women though were they Hmm

skaen · 15/02/2014 17:11

Saving private Ryan - the Nathan Fillion character who is the 'wrong' private Ryan.

PuppyMonkey · 15/02/2014 17:10

Steve Buscemi goes a bit hysterical in Armageddon. They have to strap him down Grin

Confession time - I love Armageddon Blush.

BoneyBackJefferson · 15/02/2014 17:08

Hudson in aliens?

KissesBreakingWave · 15/02/2014 14:49

You see it in comedies a lot because a bloke 'acting like a woman' is nice, easy, lazy comedy.

derailleurondebike · 15/02/2014 14:45

There'll be a reason for that. Whilst they are hitch-hiking their way across the USA.

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