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Why am I so annoyed that the school has put 'Mum's networking evening' and 'Dad's networking evening' on the spring calendar? Does it matter or am I being picky?

28 replies

AuntLucyInPeru · 03/02/2013 18:20

This is a school where only about 10% of the mums work by the way (me included)..

OP posts:
sashh · 04/02/2013 02:36

Do they have a lot of single parents?

I realise that not all single parents have come from a male/female relationship but most single parents do.

Separated/divorced parents might not feel comfortable attending a networking meeting together.

Maybe they have had parents' networking evenings and found they had mainly women and not many men.

feministefatale · 04/02/2013 04:09

Surely they could have two separate mixed sex parents evenings if they are worried about people having a sitter. No need to segregate, and it is also more flexible that way. Yanbu. I think they they men and women have different jobs

Thisisaeuphemism · 04/02/2013 19:53

The school organising a networking event is a bit...ewww.

The school organising a 'mums' or 'dads' networking event is really ewwww.

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