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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Women's Car Insurance Premiums Set to Increase due to EU Equal Rights Ruling....

52 replies

mrscumberbatch · 05/10/2012 00:28

We've been having a small but interesting conversation about this recent EU ruling that comes into play in December on this thread in Money Matters


The EU has ruled that women having discounted premiums, (based on statistical evidence which proves that women are safer drivers/claim less) should not continue in the name of Gender Equality.

There hasn't been a great deal about it in the press but it's a huge issue which is rocking the insurance world.

What are your views on women having to pay higher premiums because their gender is now deemed irrelevant?

OP posts:
TheDoctrineOfSnatch · 06/10/2012 08:18

Thank you Himalaya - actuarially sound but socially unacceptable - exactly!

SingingSilver · 07/10/2012 17:51

My brother was being smug and crowing about his girlfriends payments going up 'You wanted equality, etc, etc' then she pointed out that as she is at home with their baby and not working he will be the one paying the higher costs of her insurance - DOH!

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