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Feminism: Sex and gender discussions

Jailed after reporting a sexual assault - can hardly believe this.

77 replies

KRIKRI · 13/08/2011 22:19

Just saw this story about the Layla Ibrahim case.

She served 13 months for "falsely reporting a sexual assault," despite the police doctor who examined her after her assault testifying in Layla's defence, stating her injuries were consistent with a sexual assault.

AIBU to be absolutely shocked by this?

OP posts:
facepalming · 22/11/2016 10:30

I don't think her lawyer believed her. In her statement after the verdict she said basically there was nothing she could say, she lost on every point and that at least Layla hadn't accused named individuals. If I recall right she even said she was sorry for the men who had originally been suspects.

sashh · 24/11/2016 06:20

I know emotions run strong on this topic, but we aren't seriously considering that the UK law system wants to lock up all women whenever possible?!
No I'm saying many police staff are lazy and they want a conviction if they can get one, and it doesn't really matter to them if they get the wrong person.

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