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Women's health

Breasts - feels like milk is coming in

3 replies

LaElsa · 10/06/2021 16:46

A few weeks ago I spotted some strange 'lumps' on my right nipple. At the same time my nipple felt itchy but when I shower the lumps go away. I showed them to the GP who couldn't see anything at the time but said I should come back if I experience any other symptoms.

Since about the same time, it feels as if my milk is coming in. I sued to bf my dc (last time about 5 years ago) and it feels exactly like when I was bf. It's triggered by next door's baby crying or when I hear something moving etc.

I'm 49 and peri menopausal. If that should matter. It all started about 5 weeks after having the AZ vaccine.... am worried but such strange symptoms that I am putting off visiting the GP again. Today both my nipples seem more lumpy than usual.

Has anyone experienced similar?

OP posts:
MellowMelly · 10/06/2021 18:15

I would definitely go back to your GP if it keeps happening. They may well decide to refer you to the breast clinic and to be honest I’m all for reassurance if it offers peace of mind.

LaElsa · 10/06/2021 17:48

Thank you @MellowMelly, maybe it is related to the menopause. I felt it the first time the day before my last period. Since then I've felt it quite strong but maybe not as much during my period. It's really annoying me. The lumpy bits on my nipple also worry me. Maybe I should have them properly checked but would I need to be referred to a gynaecologist specialising in menopause or to the breast clinic?

OP posts:
MellowMelly · 10/06/2021 17:39

I did read the other day that some women have reported menstrual changes after the AZ vaccine including some women who had been through the menopause and hadn’t bled for a number of years reporting having a period. I had an awful period after my AZ vaccine and I did read that in some women it may cause a hormonal disruption. So that’s a possible theory.

But on the other side of things, I am perimenopausal and I get the letdown reflex around ovulation (I last breastfed 16 years ago). It’s really quite a strong sensation and I’ve been suffering this now for the last 4 years. Doctors said it’s my hormones.

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