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It's bloody rubbish

35 replies

froubylou · 27/07/2016 19:28

A new novel by an author I have always rated. Chic lit but usually quite good. But I am 43% through it and I don't think I can finish it.

This is a heavyweight author by the way.

Aibu to be really disappointed? And want to unfollow her on fb? I used to devour her stuff in a couple of sittings. I am now going to download the next book in a series recommended on here instead.

OP posts:
TeaMeBasil · 02/08/2016 19:57

I always struggled with not finishing a book & felt guilty but I've learnt to look at my (towering) pile of 'to-reads' and just to stop struggling through & resenting the book....I just put it down & move on!!

BennyTheBall · 07/08/2016 01:27

I hate to admit defeat and not finish a book, but someone gave me The Girls by Jojo Moyes and it was a monumental effort to get to the end.

So boring, so predictable - it was a pile of shite.

HemanOrSheRa · 07/08/2016 01:53

Oh Fiona Collins. Really good? I'm skipping my way through Susan Hill's books. I have a few in mind for holiday reads but I'm open to suggestions. Otherwise I will have to turn to the only book the that defeated me in 44 years - Vikram Seth's A Suitable Boy Confused

CocktailQueen · 07/08/2016 01:59

Completely agree re Jane green books. Loved her earlier work - now? Meh. Samey samey.

AaronBleurgh · 07/08/2016 02:04

I knew when I clicked on this thread it would be about Fallen! I don't think the first two acts of the book were actually written by Jane Green. The last act is 100% her writing and kind of moving.

I think she now falls into the US camp of "Successful author who no longer has to write her own books".

Plus I've never understood why she's so enamoured with Westport. It's a boring town with a crappy beach that's nowhere near the ocean.

AaronBleurgh · 07/08/2016 02:05

And Jemima J is one of my all time favourite "crappy reads" ever.

ladygracie · 28/08/2016 19:39

I've just finished A Year of Being Single & I really loved it. Great read.

dementedma · 28/08/2016 19:42

Currently devouring my third CJ Samson historical novel in the Shardlake series. Love them.

sarahsarah76 · 22/09/2016 15:50

yeah life is far to short to read crap books

CrystalMcPistol · 25/09/2016 13:19

Kate Morton used to write really enjoyable country house mysteries. But the last two I tried to read were just so flabby and turgid. Threw them away in disgust. It really irritates me when an author experiences success that it suddenly means they're above having their books edited.

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