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Please recommend some books for holiday (Not thrillers)

17 replies

NeverNic · 04/06/2016 22:37

I'm happy reading a mixture of light and heavy going books, and need some recommendations. The bestseller lists and my friends all seem to be offering things like Gone Girl / Girl on the Train, but they are really not my bag. I find them far-fetched and often the popular thrillers are really not that well written IMO. Can anyone recommend something new out?

OP posts:
NeverNic · 07/06/2016 22:35

Thank you for these. I'll check out on Amazon tomorrow. I loved we are completely beside ourself! Also enjoyed 'Are you there Bernadette?' which had a unique writing style.

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ZariinKa25 · 07/06/2016 21:19

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minsmum · 07/06/2016 21:13

HHhH by Laurent Binet best book I have read this year.

PepeLePew · 07/06/2016 16:43

Anything by Curtis Sittenfeld (American Wife v good and I'm enjoying her new one).

I love love love A Suitable Boy. And would keep you going for hours.

I always recommend Stephen King - The Stand or 11.22.63 are both cracking reads. And not "horror" at all.

Tatiana11235 · 07/06/2016 16:29

Here's one of the reviews -

The story follows Dr Maxwell as she is offered the job of a lifetime at St Mary's the institute of historical research, but their research is a lot more hands on then most: Time-travel, romance, science, betrayal, friendship and fighting for survival included.

I totally and utterly loved this book. I couldn't put it down, I fell into the action packed and adventure ridden world that Jodi Taylor has envisioned.
The fast pace and the twists of the story really keep you intrigued and the sheer detail in Dr Maxwell's induction into St Mary's and how the institute works was incredibly thought out and really interesting - and that's before any of the real adventures even occur!
This story is so very British, full of humor and sarcasm and many many cups of tea.

Footle · 07/06/2016 16:24

Olive Kitteridge, by Elizabeth Strout.
Anything by Anne Tyler.
How to Measure a Cow, Margaret Forster.
Exposure, Helen Dunmore. Gripping , but not a thriller.

Quitecrossgirl · 07/06/2016 14:30

Just read Patrick Gale A place called winter - great book based in a member of his family having to leave England in Edwardian times and making a life in the Canadian wilderness. Great book. Also enjoyed We are all completely beside ourselves by Karen Joy Fowler, I won't give the story away as it takes a couple of chapters to reveal itself. Both good holiday books I would say.

HappydaysArehere · 07/06/2016 09:46

The Gift of Rain by Tan Twan Eng. The background is Malaysia in the war but is a story of a young boy's realisation of the reality of his relationship with a man he has befriended. It is beautifully written, set against the Japanese taking over Malaysia.

Muddlingthroughtoo · 05/06/2016 22:43

The Tea planters wife is a good read. Kate Morton is also very good.

louisagradgrind · 05/06/2016 22:41

Have you tried Laurie Graham? Her books are well researched and although events and many characters are real, she usually tells the story through the eyes of a fictional character. They have very funny moments too. Beautifully written.

My favourites are :

  • Gone with the Windsor's (story of Edward and Wallis Simpson told by American society lady living in London)
    *The Importance of Being Kennedy ( the Kennedy clan told through eyes of Irish nanny)
    *The Grand Duchess of Nowhere ( story of last Tsar and his family told by a relative through marriage)
VanderlyleGeek · 05/06/2016 17:51

'Where'd You Go, Bernadette?' and 'Lost For Words' are funny and a bit satirical, but not silly.

Howaboutthisone · 05/06/2016 15:20

Liane Moriarty, Kate Morton and Diane Chamberlain are some that I like.

ChessieFL · 05/06/2016 15:18

Marian Keyes' new book 'Making it up as I go along' is a collection of her journalism so easy to dip in and out of.

JiltedJohnsJulie · 05/06/2016 14:11

I recently enjoyed the Art of Hearing Heartbeats.

user1465115129 · 05/06/2016 10:56

Have you tried Jane Linfoot, Amanda Prowse, Samantha Tonge? All light reads and all have new books out that won't break the bank. I've read books from all of them but couldn't get into Girl on the train

Iratelaundryperson · 05/06/2016 09:54

I'd recommend Joshilyn Jackson for holiday. Just read 'a grown up kind of pretty' which is a really original story, I loved it. I've read all of her books and love them, especially Gods in Alabama.

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