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FFS p.72 and the hilarious gay best friend has appeared

8 replies

SouthWestmom · 04/01/2016 21:11

What is wrong with publishers? What is this conveyer belt genre that involves crappy Bridget Jones type knock offs?
Gay best friend, tick
Low level media job, tick
Horrible boyfriend, tick

OP posts:
SouthWestmom · 04/01/2016 22:56

Forgot vampires.
Typically Queen.
I'm now at a 'serious' bit with an attempt to write some domestic violence in. Sadly I can see that her new found friends will, within a few pages, rescue her from this.

OP posts:
PassiveAgressiveQueen · 04/01/2016 22:54

Such sloppy writing, really is treadmill stuff.

TiggyD · 04/01/2016 22:11

True, lesbians are reserved for serious fiction. - And vampire books.

SouthWestmom · 04/01/2016 22:06

True, lesbians are reserved for serious fiction.
And every poorly paid runner can afford quirky vintage, natch.

OP posts:
scrappydappydoo · 04/01/2016 21:52

Don't forget the 'vintage' clothes/accessories/house decor to illustrate the characters cute and quirky side

doitanyways · 04/01/2016 21:31

Always a male gay best friend.

Lesbians don't exist ...

SouthWestmom · 04/01/2016 21:30

Yes that's irritating.
Millie put her baby pink ted baker bag on the chair next to Simon. Etc.

OP posts:
PassiveAgressiveQueen · 04/01/2016 21:14

mine bug bear is: pg 4 i know the label on every item of clothing worn, and the full market value

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