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To wish Patricia Cornwell would read some of her earlier books

47 replies

sherbetpips · 11/09/2013 12:29

Old books - were brilliant, great plot lines and twists, interesting characters, a little romance and awesome baddies.
New books - no discerable plot line, everyone hates each other, no new characters, can't even figure out who the baddies are most of the time.

I have tried to finish the last two books and I just can't they are so boring and repetative and frankly if Lucy, Marino and Scarpetta ever actually met in real life they would never, ever, ever see each other again.

If you have never read the Scarpetta series read them from the beginning and dont bother with the last three.

OP posts:
LaQueenForADay · 19/09/2013 20:58

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BoulevardOfBrokenSleep · 19/09/2013 21:03

To be fair, anyone that writes a series of a dozen books or so tends to get a bit... convoluted as they run out of ideas.

Ooh, Terry Pratchett is still good. Anyone else...?

BarbaraWoodlouse · 19/09/2013 21:08

Thanks for reminding me about this.

I did have a phase of forgetting how bad she'd got and buying "just one more to check". I blame the surely fictional reviews saying things like Back on top form.

I'll be sure to keep steering clear.

toomanycourgettes · 25/09/2013 11:42

I also found her more recent books contain too much nastiness. The first few were pretty graphic in places, but in the later books it was practically gratuitous.

SconeRhymesWithGone · 25/09/2013 16:36

Ooh, Terry Pratchett is still good. Anyone else...?

Ian Rankin, especially now that Rebus is back.

ladymalfoy · 26/09/2013 16:02

Agree. Kay has turned into an angst ridden loon.
I remember being terrified when reading 'From Potters Field'.

ladymalfoy · 26/09/2013 16:06

Kerry Wilkinson and SJ Bolton are fab. Agree with everyone about Tess Gerritson and Jo Nesbo.

FannyFifer · 26/09/2013 16:13

I used to love her books.
Lucy was an utter pain in the hole though & i hated when she became a prominent character.

I actually think I gave up when Marino assaulted or attempted to rape Kay whatever book that was.

moonbells · 26/09/2013 16:35

Grin at finding this thread. Currently trying to read Predator, and have just gone on Wikipedia to remind myself of previous books as they're so memorable!

I prefer Kathy Reichs too but I've got them all and I was desperate for a book when in the charity bookshop the other lunchtime...
(Ok I take that back - just found a new one! Hardcover only as yet though)

So the new Rebus is good? Haven't seen it on the 2ndhand shelves yet...

hollyisalovelyname · 26/09/2013 17:54

Moonbells have you read any Minette Walters books? I thought they were great.

ghostonthecanvas · 26/09/2013 18:04

I used to really enjoy scarpetta. The descriptive writing really annoys me. Its all repetitive and over done. Definitely not the quality they used to be. I have just bought Tess Gerristson for the first time. Haven't started it yet. Is it ok to just start randomly in the series or should I start with the first Rizzoli and Isles book?

SugarSpunSisters · 26/09/2013 21:56

I actually think I gave up when Marino assaulted or attempted to rape Kay whatever book that was.

What the hell! I'm glad I gave up before this happened. Marino of old would never do that Confused

sherbetpips · 18/11/2013 12:35

PseudoBadger you are right, she did switch narative, it is really irritating to read!

OP posts:
AugustaProdworthy · 18/11/2013 12:39

I think real life events have coloured her writing too much. Last one was about betrayal by a friend a d that's pretty much what has happened to her in RL
I gave up.
I loved her earlier books but they are dull now

Doyouthinktheysaurus · 18/11/2013 12:46

Totally agree, it all went pear shaped when she changed her writing style. They really are awful books now with totally he likeable characters.

I still hold out hope, which is why I get sucked in every now and again but nope, still crap.

I should maybe go back and re read the early ones, I really did enjoy her writing once.

coffeeinbed · 26/11/2013 11:06

I gave up long time ago.
The first ones were so much better.

roundtoit · 26/12/2013 17:57

I thought it was just me as its been an age since I have read any of her books, just got Dust and I am finding it boring as hell, pages and pages of thoughts and feelings and back story. Have read about 36% of book and its not got me interested at all. Terrible book.

Mignonette · 26/12/2013 18:06

Ghost start at the beginning with Tess Gerritsen with 'The Surgeon. You'll miss out on the development of the characters otherwise. it'll get a bit confusing.

Try Karin Slaughter, M K Kerley, Chris Carter, Andrew Kava and Oliver Stark (88 Killer) too.

Mignonette · 26/12/2013 18:06

Oh and Lisa Gardner too.

WoodBurnerBabe · 26/12/2013 18:13

Can recommend Dana Stabenow and Camilla Lackberg. Also Maj Sjowall/Per Wahloo are fabulous!

QueenofLouisiana · 30/12/2013 21:07

It's so good to see lots of other people saying the same thing I thought! I have discovered Jo Nesbo as an alternative provider of flawed, gritty crime solvers.

hobnobsaremyfavourite · 03/01/2014 16:42

Agree wholeheartedly.


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