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Teachers favourite books

26 replies

AnonymousBird · 07/04/2013 12:00

Top 100 here

I have actually counted how many I've read, but it's a fair few! Teacher's pet me!

OP posts:
mixedmamameansbusiness · 11/04/2013 19:50

I read Frankenstein a couple of months ago. I really loved it.

I liked TTW book and film but as completely separate things.

Dysgu · 11/04/2013 18:17

I have read all of 56 on the list and also own several that I have either started or not yet opened, including the long Russian ones - which is when my kindle really is great!

I also agree that TTW is a fabulous book but I think I had to start it about 6 times before I really got into it.

Now thinking I might try Frankenstein this weekend - has been sitting waiting for a while...

Movingtimes · 11/04/2013 17:54

I've read 78!
I actually took part in the poll, but only two of my top ten books made it into the 100. One problem with the survey was that it didn't specify whether they wanted you to name your personal favourite books or your favourite books to teach, and from the look of the list people did both.

RemusLupinsBiggestGroupie · 11/04/2013 10:33

I quite liked TTW except for the stupid foot thing and the ending, which spoiled it.

Tess needs to be read when one is a miserable, Plath quoting teenager.

floweryblue · 11/04/2013 00:05

Time Travellers Wife held no appeal for me, but it turned out to be a great book. (Shit film though!)

floweryblue · 11/04/2013 00:03

Yes, ploughing through the nonsence that is Tess should count for more than the passion and drama of The Mayor of Casterbridge.

I think I've read 37.

mixedmamameansbusiness · 10/04/2013 23:27

I am reading Tess now and I definitely think it should count for something.

tumbletumble · 10/04/2013 18:32

I always think this sort of list should be authors, not books. For example in this list I didn't pick up any Thomas Hardy points as I've not read Jude the Obscure - but I have read Tess and Far From the Madding Crowd, shouldn't that count for something?!

mixedmamameansbusiness · 10/04/2013 16:29

30 for me, but I like it as a list.

RemusLupinsBiggestGroupie · 10/04/2013 15:51

I re-read the entire Holmes a few weeks ago. It took me about 6 days, but I am a stupidly fast reader. Great fun though!

tumbletumble · 10/04/2013 13:52

I've read 66 of these.

I like it as an idea - teachers listing their top 10 - I think this gives it more credibility than other lists I've seen.

cheapskatemum · 10/04/2013 13:26

I've read 83, but think I could easily up that as Room on the Broom shouldn't take me too long. The whole series of Sherlock Holmes though? That'll take a while!

Pinkbatrobi · 10/04/2013 03:40

Sassy - do try the time travellers wife again... I too almost abandoned it because I found it confusing to begin with but actually when you get into it it IS wonderful!!! One of my favourite books!

Mrsoverreaction · 09/04/2013 22:28

Yes, highlandcoo, Frankenstein and Dracula are both amazing! They are so dramatic, tense and surprisingly moving (I cried at both of them but never would have guesed as a child that they were emotional). Hope you give them a go and enjoy them.

DuchessofMalfi · 09/04/2013 16:57

I've read 37 and two-thirds of no.27 (Stieg Larsson's Millenium trilogy).

sassytheFIRST · 09/04/2013 16:01

I've read all of 86 and started but given up on 1 - time travellers wife.

juneau · 09/04/2013 15:58

I'm a bit Hmm about Twilight being on there.

juneau · 09/04/2013 15:56

39/100 and I own a few others which I have yet to read.

I can't see myself tackling a lot of the others though. I've never read any Austen and it doesn't interest me, Thomas Hardy bores me to tears, no interest in Game of Thrones, Catch-22 annoyed me, ditto One Day, and the great Russian novels (all of them about 1000 pages long), just don't tempt me.

RemusLupinsBiggestGroupie · 08/04/2013 16:00

Frankenstein, Dracula and LOTR are all excellent.

PollyEthelEileen · 08/04/2013 09:06

I have read 17 of that list - mostly when I was at school 30+ years ago.

No medical crime thrillers on the list :(

MiddleAgeMiddleEngland · 08/04/2013 09:01

It's a very odd list, though. Perhaps would have been better if they'd had two lists, one for children's books and one for adults.

Anna Karenina and The Gruffalo are both excellent books, but hardly comparable, or at the same reading level.

highlandcoo · 07/04/2013 22:49

90 is impressive! I've read 85; some just in part though, like Wind in the Willows and the first in both Harry Potter and Twilight series.

Have no intention of ever reading The Lord of the Rings, but planning to read Les Miserables this year.

Not sure about Frankenstein and Dracula - should I be giving them a go?


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RemusLupinsBiggestGroupie · 07/04/2013 21:24

Oh dear - I have read 90 of those and given up on another three. I need a new hobby.

isitsnowingyet · 07/04/2013 17:51

I counted the ones I hadn't read. A fairly comprehensive list of good books. But I'd hope the teacher's reading skills were up to a bit more than 'We're Going On A Bear Hunt' - although I did enjoy that one Grin

MiddleAgeMiddleEngland · 07/04/2013 17:43

46/100, me. Although I'm surprised at some of the titles which got onto the list.

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