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wolf hall

13 replies

millie2101 · 08/06/2011 11:23

yep...its still sat on my book shelf, im interested in the topic but its just too long!! its like readinf Tolstoy!

OP posts:
Abcinthia · 10/06/2011 10:09

It took me about a week to read but I didn't really enjoy it. Some parts of it, where amazing and gripping but then other parts just bored me completely.

overthemill · 09/06/2011 21:41

took me about 10 days and i loved it, hated it, loved it! I think it was too long and I would have liked a bit more about what happens next but, of course, she's writing the sequel now!

menopausemum · 09/06/2011 20:11

This is one of the best books I'e every read, I relaxed into it like the best comfy chair and just loved it. Its incredibly well written and extremely satisfying. I went on to buy a lot of her other books hoping for something similar but none of them live up to it.

TheRainInSpain · 09/06/2011 19:12

I'm reading this at the moment and really enjoying it, worth persevering with I think.

kreecherlivesupstairs · 09/06/2011 11:21

Both me and DH tried to read it. I never got past about 25 pages, he managed half the book then gave up.
We somehow ended up with three copies.

swanriver · 09/06/2011 11:00

Loved it too.

AliceAirhead · 09/06/2011 10:50

Loved it too. Mantell creates very convincing character in Cromwell. Needs a bit of work to remember who's who and what's what, but definitely worth it.

IreadthereforeIam · 09/06/2011 08:38

Read it!! I loved it, and it didn't take me long to read (under a week!).

KurriKurri · 08/06/2011 19:20

I loved it, my advice is to try to read it in big chunks so you really get into the story ad whats happening. if you only read a bit at a time, its easy to lose the thread.

ConstantlyCooking · 08/06/2011 18:30

Loved it. Altho' after reading Sansome as well I felt a bit Tudor'ed out!

AccioPinotGrigio · 08/06/2011 12:19

It definitely seems to polarise opinion. I loved, loved, loved it but dh just couldn't get to grips with the style in which it was written - he was never clear who was 'speaking' IYKWIM.

freelancescientist · 08/06/2011 12:13

Loved it - but think it is a marmite book! It really isn't that long if you get into it, and very rewarding.

MegBusset · 08/06/2011 11:26

Oh it's not THAT long - took me about three weeks iirc. It's a fab book and just steams along so you must read it.

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