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Do you keep a record of books you have read?

87 replies

posey · 03/06/2011 19:25

I have been doing this for approx 20 years.
Anyway I was having a good look through it earlier on and found it quite fascinating how my reading tastes have changed, how I had prolific years (when dd was born I had to stop work for 10 weeks before she was born, then read while feeding her which was approx 23 hours per dayGrin, so read loads that year.) and years where I read very little ( when dh was very ill and I couldn't concentrate on much)
I had a Ruth Rendall/ Barbara Vine year, a couple of chick lit years...
Nowadays I seem to read fewer books but they are a bit more challenging.
So who else does this? Oh and what it is written in? I have a very nice notebook, bought in a craft Market!

OP posts:
Bonsoir · 03/06/2011 22:11

Gosh no and I don't keep a lot of the books I buy/read either - I give loads away or sell them. I don't feel like spending a lot of money accommodating books!

scottishmummy · 03/06/2011 22:17

once read,i give books away
i only keep work related reference and specialist books

scottishmummy · 03/06/2011 22:23

keep same faves,like maggie o'farrell
but give most away.otherwise id have too many
and i love pleasure of giving a good book,hoping recipient likes it

basingstoke · 03/06/2011 22:32

No I don't. But I keep most of them Blush I like the comfort of a well known book sometimes, and when I do, I don't know which I will want...

DH is much more ruthless than I.

KurriKurri · 03/06/2011 22:40

I keep a few favourites, the rest I give away. Most of my books are borrowed from the library, or I buy from charity shops.I rarely buy new books except as gifts.

KurriKurri · 03/06/2011 22:42

I do record places I've visited in the form of photos - I like looking back and remembering something I've enjoyed - I guess the book thing is the same principle.

bibbitybobbityhat · 03/06/2011 22:43

Kurri or SM: can you recommend me a really thumping good possibly thrilling novel? I hardly read fiction these days - would like to get back into it.

scottishmummy · 03/06/2011 22:50

into the darkest corner elizabeth haynes.
gripping,couldnt put down

KurriKurri · 03/06/2011 22:55

Pillars of The Earth by Ken Follett is a big fat read and has a mystery element (it's historical - don't know if that's your thing)

Again historical setting (tudor) are the Matthew Shardlake novels by C J Sansom - they are really good detective stories IMO

I quite like Jo Nesbo's thrillers - e.g.The Snowman

have you read any Stephen King? - I hadn't before, but have just finished The Green Mile and really liked it, (not sure how gruesome or scary the others are though)

I've heard a lot of people on here recommend The Passage by Justin Cronin - people say its unputdownable, its on my 'to read' list (yes, I know Grin).

What type of thing have you enjoyed before?

scottishmummy · 03/06/2011 22:56

passage thats got the sepia picture and red graphics see folk reading it

KurriKurri · 03/06/2011 22:57

Oh yes - the one Scottishmummy mentioned and Cuckoo by Julia Crouch - I've heard good things about both of those.

scottishmummy · 03/06/2011 22:58

i dont like the vampire books apart from anne rice

KurriKurri · 03/06/2011 22:58

That's the one SM.

scottishmummy · 03/06/2011 23:00

seen loads readin passage,wondered but the vampire thing is deterrent
never read that twilight mush

KurriKurri · 03/06/2011 23:00

The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova is the only Vampire book I've read and it's really good. I didn't think much of her follow up book though.(Swan Thieves)

BeerTricksPotter · 03/06/2011 23:02

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ColonelBrandonsBiggestGroupie · 03/06/2011 23:08

I don't and I keep meaning to. I started a new library book today and then realised I've already flipping read it: this is not the first time I have done this. Blush

ColonelBrandonsBiggestGroupie · 03/06/2011 23:10

Whomping good thriller type books:

Stephen King esp The Stand
The Passage is v good
The Historian is excellent
yes to Sansom
Let The Right One In (Swedish vampires) is not bad - deffo the best of the Scandi ones I've read
The Death Instinct - forget who by
Alone In Berlin is okay

MarkMarkMarkMark · 04/06/2011 00:20

goodreads and librarything are handy for keeping records of what you've read & also what you and others thought of those books.

scottishmummy · 04/06/2011 00:44

i dont hold any validity what others rate
just dont
been there done that too often
time travellers wife everyone raved, turgid rubbish, same as lovely bones, and too may other to mention

CelebratedMonkey · 04/06/2011 00:46

I like reading reviews after I've finished a book and seeing how wide opinion varies etc. But then maybe I'm just odd :)

scottishmummy · 04/06/2011 00:48

reviews are useful but just sometimes i think what?
have we read same book.......


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CelebratedMonkey · 04/06/2011 08:11

Oh yeah, definitely. Even with friends who apparently have similar tastes. Sometimes I think if you read too many reviews before reading a book it can affect your opinion - afterwards, I just like reading all the varied opinions.

Wheelybug · 05/06/2011 17:50

I keep a list - started in 2008 after a thread about how many books we read in a year. I find it interesting to look back. Challenged myselfthis year to read 50 books - usually do 40 something.

OyOfMidWorld · 05/06/2011 23:31

I've just started to use Good Reads to record what I read. This is mainly because I'm now using my Kindle for the majority of my reading and don't have the 'books on a shelf' to look at in the same way as previously. It is an excellent site and I think I will continue to record what I read on there.

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