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Into the Darkest Corner

5 replies

shandyleer · 30/05/2011 17:26

Has anyone read this? You know how books are often described as 'unputdownable'? Well, imho, this one truly was. anyone else?

OP posts:
daftwit · 02/06/2011 22:11

The most fabulous book, has been debated on here a few weeks ago, really more of a discussion as all agreed it was a great book. There were 2 threads about it and not one bad review.

RupertTheBear · 02/06/2011 19:02

I felt exactly the same. Not my usual sort of thing at all but I really couldn't put it down.

shandyleer · 02/06/2011 19:00

Sorry Dharma, forgot I'd posted this. It's a psychological thriller - involves murder, stalkers, ocd, romance - in short, a bit of everything. Not a very good plot summary but don't want to give away too much. It's the first book in a long time that has made me stay up past my bedtime!

OP posts:
timetomoveon · 02/06/2011 08:18

I'm about halfway through and I keep trying to find an excuse to go to the bedroom and read a bit more - love it so far!

DharmaLovesGreg · 30/05/2011 18:03

No I haven't, what is it about?

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