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Anyone like Phillipa Gregory books?

45 replies

musicgalhappykathy0 · 20/08/2010 20:36

I am just reading the new Phillipa Gregory book "The White Queen" and it is excellent.

Anyone else read it or like her books?

OP posts:
juicychops · 06/11/2010 21:30

i do love PGs books based around tudor history. ive not read any of her other ones although have bought them all and are waiting to be read at some point (they were £1 each a while back in Asda)

i loved the Other Boleyn Girl and the Boleyn inheritance. very brilliant books

reading PG got me into Alison Weir too. Innocent Traitor is one of the best historical novels ive read

BooToYouToo · 05/11/2010 19:24

Just finished The White Queen and loved it. Think I will give the Red Queen a miss as she was a featured a lot in the other book.

Really want to read The White Princess when it is out. The princess had just started at court when we leave her at the end of the White Queen so I'd love to see why she switches her betrothed and also how her mother's curse on the killer of her brothers comes back to haunt them.

DarciesmumandTTC2 · 02/11/2010 17:06

ninja - I read That books for my A-Level history :)

ninjanurse · 02/11/2010 16:36

I am reading The Constant Princess about Catherine of Aragon and really enjoying it. I loved the Other Boleyn Girl as well. I always tend to look up and read around the subject a bit though because I know a lot of stuff is probably embellished or made up to suit the story, and I like to know what is fact or fiction.
I agree with someone else about Jean Plaidy, they are easy to read historical fiction as well, she a has written some on Queen Victoria which is another period Im interested in.

DarciesmumandTTC2 · 02/11/2010 16:19

GOML - some of her books takes a good few pages before you can get into it - I loved The Boleyn Inheritance.

GetOrfMoiLand · 02/11/2010 15:37

God are they any good then? I have always dismissed her as I read a couple of pages of The Otehr Boeyn Girl and thought it was turgid shite.

DarciesmumandTTC2 · 02/11/2010 15:27

Love her books and have them all :) could read them over and over especially the tudor ones

Tippietoes · 02/11/2010 15:23

I've read a few of her historical books and enjoyed them. Read The Little House which is being dramatised currently on ITV, started last usual they have changed very relevant facts which were in the book, and for no appaarant reason, ie; the heroine was a journolist, but they made her a teacher..why?

juneybean · 16/09/2010 16:48

I've only read The Other Boleyn Girl, but an MNer has stolen it Shock

wukter · 16/09/2010 16:42

Have just finished the Red Queen.

Species, I remember finding Murder Most Royal on my mums bookcase about 20 years ago. It was brilliant and really sparked my interest in the Tudors. I'd love to read it again, actually. I haven't read any others, though only last week I walked past another one of her Tudor ones in a charity shop as I hadn't 50p on me. That was a Mistake.

Overtiredmum · 08/09/2010 21:42

Totally love the Tudor stuff, not read any of her early books though, so couldn't comment.

wonka · 08/09/2010 21:41

porcamiseria - I agree the wise woman entered my dreams for months after reading it.. especially the birth..... [shudder]

Species8472 · 08/09/2010 21:35

Someone mentioned Jean Plaidy - I got one of hers, Murder Most Royal, from a charity shop and couldn't put it down. Any others of hers worth reading? Especially any Tuder ones?

Am also waiting for the Red Queen to come out in paperback!

Rhiannonthescribbler · 03/09/2010 21:27

I LOVE HER BOOKS! I have A Respectable Trade, Earthly Joys and Alice Heartly's Happiness waiting for me. I have read and treasure all the tudor books and will wait for The Red and White Queen books to turn up cheap on my local market as they always do. I have got most of hers that way, £2 for a hardback - bargain!

SkaterGrrrrl · 01/09/2010 22:01

Nearly bought the Red Queen today but its £18. Will wait for it to come out in paperback!

GeorginaWorsley · 29/08/2010 18:33

The Little House being shown on tv this autumn,Francesca Annis is the MIL [GRIN]

KatieScarlett2833 · 29/08/2010 17:30

Read all the Tudor ones, the other Boleyn Girl by far the best. Also like Alison Weir, Jean Plaidy and Pinters wife, whassername, Antonia Fraser?

Waiting on Amazon to deliver the Red Queen.

dorothythedinosaur · 29/08/2010 17:25

The Wise Women was really creepy, especially the little wax dolls.

ValiumSingleton · 29/08/2010 17:21

Did your Mum give it to him?! to explain how she felt about her MIL!?!?

MarthaQuest · 29/08/2010 12:05

The Little House is the only novel my dad has read in adult years!

ValiumSingleton · 29/08/2010 09:53

Absolutely love these books. The Little House is my favourite. I love the Anne Boleyn one and the next one (name?) and the The constant princess. I haven't read the new one yet though.

DON'T bother with the one about Alice Hartley though! That was rubbish.

porcamiseria · 29/08/2010 09:48

The Wise Woman was one of the darkest books I ever read, shudder


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purplehonesty · 22/08/2010 21:12

I've read all her books but I couldnt read the end of the white queen, my hubby bought it for me on my birthday last year and I had DS 3 days later. So I knew how the plot went roughly and when it got close to the end I put the book away as I was already so emotional, I couldnt deal with the 2 little boys drama! It was almost like Joey from friends putting the shining in the freezer!
I still haven't read it (am big sop) Grin

ILikeToMoveItMoveIt · 22/08/2010 20:39

SethStarkAdder - I've just finished The Constant Princess. I bought it 2nd hand and I'm more than happy to send it to you? I really enjoyed it. Not as much as some of the other Tudor books. But like I've tried to read The Other Queen and can't finish it. I think it's because the narrator swaps around so much - it's more than my tired brain can take!

I'm off to order the White Queen.....

EricNorthmansmistress · 22/08/2010 20:35

I have read all her books. Have enjoyed almost all of them - the exceptions being 'Mrs Hartley and the growth centre' and 'Zelda's cut' which are both early and quite shit. I loved the wideacre trilogy, the Tradescant books were a bit forgettable but I enjoyed them at the time. The little house is chilling and brilliant, as is Fallen skies. have ordered the Red queen and although the tudor books do tend to bleed into each other in my mind i still enjoy them all!

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