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Weight Watchers

Weight watchers during pregnancy

3 replies

Emma2803 · 19/02/2017 13:23

Hi I was just wondering if anyone has done weight watchers during pregnancy? I joined online a few weeks ago and am really liking it. Hoping to start ttc in a few months but I have a lot of weight to lose 3-4more stone so likely won't have lost that by the time I hopefully get pregnant. I'm also worried about gaining too much weight during pregnancy if I don't have a plan to follow iykwim? I put on 4.5 stone when pregnant with my first although had lost 3 by time he was 3 weeks and have really struggled to lose it until I joined ww a few weeks ago. Just wondering was there extra points you get like you do when your bf or certain amount of milk /dairy you have to eat every day? Any advice greatly appreciated!!

OP posts:
Emma2803 · 20/02/2017 09:30

I will see how I get on with my weight loss by the time I get pregnant. Perhaps if I do it to 12 weeks then change to maintain points? See how that goes? Obviously I know i will gain weight but thinking about damage limitation. I definitely won't starve myself!! No count might be good then I can only have a certain amount of naughty stuff!!

OP posts:
Mummytobe11 · 20/02/2017 00:02

My doctor told me I wasn't allowed as it's calorie restriction.

Burntbum · 19/02/2017 23:48

You don't get extra points when pregnant as WW does not allow you to be a member when pregnant. Having said that as you are doing it online and not attending meetings they will be none the wiser. Following no count would be a healthy option for you.

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