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Weight Watchers

How many activity points for 30 day Shred?

5 replies

MinionDave · 24/07/2014 13:10

Just starting WW and have also started doing the 30 day shred as well.

Does it just count as aerobics? 20 mins worth is only 2 points but for all the aches and sweating I've been doing it doesn't feel like that's enough Grin Is 2 activity points correct? TIA

OP posts:
SuperDuperJezebel · 25/07/2014 13:59

Use the activity calc then, you may get more! I need to get back into the shred but I'm so lazy!

MinionDave · 25/07/2014 09:43

Oh I didn't realise it went by weight as well! I'm 5' 10" and weigh 13st 1 so want to lose 1 1/2 stone to get back to the weight I look my best at.

Damn right I want to make every minute of sweat count though Grin

OP posts:
SuperDuperJezebel · 24/07/2014 15:38

Check it out cos you might get more - I don't know how much you weigh, but it works it out by weight as well - I used to get so many APs when I first started WW, now I'm closer to goal not so much!

MinionDave · 24/07/2014 15:05

That sounds better, ill got with that. Thanks Smile

OP posts:
SuperDuperJezebel · 24/07/2014 14:13

I use the calculator and work it out as 20 min high intensity - for me it comes up as 3.

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