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12 replies

muffintop · 01/04/2009 14:12


Brief histor - I have been overweight most of my adult life - I am fairly tall and "carry it well" so I have been told I so hate that expression.

I am 44 and have 2 children - 6 & 8 - about 7 months ago I joined slimming world followed the plan but the weight did not come off - I changed from green to red and tried it all - just not for me. I have kept going to the club and get weighed every week but for the last 4-5 months I have been calorie counting about 1400-1500 calories a day. I have only managed to lose about 5lbs in that time which is not good - I have just started half hour moderately fast walking 4 times a week to see if this will help but this also seems to not work.

I am not very peed off that nothing is happening and at a loss why - before I go to the drs and explain everything I am curious to what people think on her.

This is roughly what I eat:

Breakfast cereal(porridge/cornflakes)

mid morning - banana

lunch - chicken salad or soup - sliced melon or pineapple

tea - this is usually a dinner with meat and veggies or some home made soup/stew and about once a week a convenience meal which I add veg to

As a treat most days I would have a crunchie or a couple of biscuits.

I don't see this being a terrible diet and just wondered whether I am a greedy mare or not

Thoughts please thanx

OP posts:
AbbyLubber · 06/04/2009 13:41

muffintop, probably either pills that stop you absorbing fat - which means you have to cut it out completely or the consequences are incredibly embarrassing - or just possibly something prediabetic like metformin. TBH, nothing really works wonders.

muffintop · 06/04/2009 12:34

Thanks to all your replies - a little update I have been to see my GP and I am "morbidly obese" , I think this is a terrible expression and I am fully aware that I am overweight but I am in size 18 clothes (bottoms) but size 22 top so this has made me feel worse. My GP was lovely I explained everything to her and she did listen, she asked me a few questions to see if I had any symptoms but she does not think so - anyway she is sending me for blood tests and if these come back fine I am being referred to the obesity clinic within the surgery which will prescribe some tablets that may help.

I have no idea what these area can anyone help? I have to say I feel such a failure that I may have to end up taking pills because I cannot lose weight

OP posts:
fatjac · 02/04/2009 10:46


I can so identify with you when you say being fat is the only thing you cant control. Except for my weight my whole life is pretty much perfect. But because I am so unhappy about my size it takes the enjoyment out of everything else.

madwomanintheattic · 02/04/2009 10:16

except i'm not tall. i'm five two, and so 'carrying it well' doesn't exactly apply lol.

madwomanintheattic · 02/04/2009 10:15

you're actually in a fairly similar position to me lol - done with childbearing some considerable time hence, but haven't quite managed to get to grips with skinny lol. my youngest is 5 1/2, and i am currently Making An Effort lol. i've got a medical that i need to do some time over the summer and need to shift about 2 stone to be at optimum weight by then...

madwomanintheattic · 02/04/2009 10:13

buy the sweet ryvita - they are satisfyingly sweet like biscuits and crunch into the bargain. more cals than you think though, so only one lol and extra fibre lovely with a cup of tea - i know it sounds unlikely, but trust me! (they are the ones with fruit in... can't remember what they are called, have run out lol )

i use those sachets. i can't bear measuring. life's too short.

muffintop · 01/04/2009 19:25

madwoman/beautiful - I like something sweet at some point during the day and tend to keep it for my cup of tea once the boys are in bed.

Re the porridge I use the sachets that you can buy so no weighing needed.

When I can I mentally keep a note of calories where they are stated and aftr years of watching what I eat a quite good at it but will write everything down for the next few days and report back.

Before I acutally go to the doctor I want to be able to go and say I have changed my diet and taken xtra exercise and this has been going on for some time.

I wish I had the sort of metabolism that burns everything off I have a friend who can eat anything and generally does, and is so thin.

Its the only thing in my life I cannot control - and has always had a big impact on my confidence.

OP posts:
BEAUTlFUL · 01/04/2009 16:08

A lot of it is about portion sizes - how big are your bowls of porridge? (Oooh, that sounds rude to me.)

Why not write down everything that goes in your mouth for the next 24 hours (OK, that sounds ruder) and we'll criticise review it then? Do byou think you could be eating more than you realise? I often ram biscuits into my face at stressed periods but instantly forget them and think, "I've eaten nothing today!"

If you really are eating very little, I wonder if you might have a thyroid problem. my friend is like that.

madwomanintheattic · 01/04/2009 16:00

cut out the crunchie/ biscuits and replace with something less calorific?

muffintop · 01/04/2009 15:57

I am 5 8 and weigh about 16 stone which is "morbidly obese" on the weight and height chart - I only once managed to get to 10 7 when I was 20 but ended up starving to reach this.

OP posts:
nickytwotimes · 01/04/2009 14:20

Oh, and I eat more than you have listed.

nickytwotimes · 01/04/2009 14:19

That is not a greedy diet at all!
How overweight are you? If it is only a little, maybe you are at the right weight for you?
Fwiw, I am also tall and yes, it does mena you can look a lot slimmer than you would if you were average height. My weight has fluctuated over the years. I was anorexic and I have been overweight too. My 'comfortable' weight - ie;I don't think about food and am happy both in myself and with how I look - gives me a BMI of about 23 or 24.

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