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Anyone ever given up weat and dairy for a period of time and lost weight as a result?

9 replies

FlakyPenis · 08/02/2009 14:58

I've never cut out specific food groups before but tomorrow I'm going to do a 5 day plan involving no wheat, dairy or alcohol.

Am I on the road to crazytown or might this actually help to kick start my weight loss? I keep trying to lose weight then as I don't lose anything discernible in a fortnight I fall off the wagon.

Am hoping that this might be a good start then I can go onto normal healthy eating once it's done.

Just given up b/feeding too and I'm hoping that will help as I'm one of those porkers unfortunate ones who gain weight whilst b/fing.

OP posts:
TheOtherMaryPoppinsDiets · 11/02/2009 09:40


CHEQUERSmate · 10/02/2009 10:54

Wom mary that's amazing.

Could you briefly tell me what foods are eliminated? I can't seem to find the full details by googling.

peachface · 10/02/2009 10:53

I find that I lose weight by not eating too much bread as it stops the bloating feeling. Not eating starches with proteins at the same meal (Hay diet way of eating) is successful - I've lost half a stone in just 5 weeks by doing this and I'm not cutting out my dairy either, just avoidning high fat dairy produce etc. Make sure if you cut out dairy that you are getting calcium from fortified soya milk etc or you risk osteoporosis later on even with cutting out dairy for a short time.

TheOtherMaryPoppinsDiets · 10/02/2009 10:52

Look up Dax Moy Elimination Diet. I have done this before and lsot 2 stone, and am doing it again now and lost 9lbs so far.

CHEQUERSmate · 10/02/2009 10:50

I'm liking the sound of this.

at 70 pounds!!

MadamDeathstare · 08/02/2009 18:46

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

MannersCostNothing · 08/02/2009 18:44

Hi Flaky - I was also one of the unlucky folks - I didn't gain weight whilst b/f, but i certainly couldn't lose any. My H/V said that some womens' hormones make then sort of "grab" all the calories going in order to safeguard the baby's nutrition.
Your plan may well kick-start things - no alcohol is always a weight-loss winner, as alcohol is "empty calories" (didn't know what that was till I Googled it - too lengthy to go into here, have a look).
Not sure about the dairy thing, mainly due to my love of all things dairy.
The wheat - now there's a subject. I have lost a serious amount of weight (in excess of 70 lbs in a year) by eating low GI. The worst offender is wheat, ie bread, pasta, pastry, biscuits. Also potatoes, rice, polenta etc are on the no-no list. I can have lentils, butternut squash, sweet potatoes and chick peas, including hummous, also those Ryvitas with oats and sunflower seeds/pumpkin seeds.
This might sound like a miserable existence, depending on how much you like carbs, but I eat all the stuff I like and still lose weight - meat, ham etc, cheeses, butter, yogurt, mayo, bacon, eggs, veggies, fruit, salad, salsa, hummous, dressing, olives, anchovies, drippy stuff in olive oil. In extremis, I do eat lasagne, as the ratio of pasta to other stuff is quite low. I resist the garlic bread with difficulty .
A great diet if it works for you, but c**p if you love pizza (I really hate pizza). Whatever you do, check in with your GP, and the best of luck to you.

pagwatch · 08/02/2009 18:40

why no wine ?

we all had to go gfcf when DS2 was diagnosed as having gut problems. We all lost weight ( especially DH). Until I became really good at gf baking when we put some back on

Amey · 08/02/2009 18:23


No wine
No cakes
No chocolate
No Lattes
No cheese

If you can manage it - you have to loose weight!!

My top tips are drink lots of water (or herbal tea) and no carbs after 5pm.

Good luck

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