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Did anyone NOT lose weight from breastfeeding?

15 replies

Puppie · 11/01/2008 11:07

I had my little boy 4 months ago and while I am back to the way I used to eat pre pregnancy no weight has budged! Aaaargh! I thought breastfeeding was meant to help a little!

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MuffinMclay · 11/01/2008 12:38

I only bf for 12 weeks with ds1, but put on masses of weight. I was much heavier by the end of that 12 weeks than after I'd given birth.

Bf made me ravenously hungry and I was spending all day/night sitting and feeding.

Tommy · 11/01/2008 12:28

I only lost weight after I'd stopped feeding. It did fall off pretty quickly then though and I didn't really even need to "diet" - just ate healthily.

IMO, the breasfeeding helps at first to lose the tummy bit by getting the uterus to contract but normal day-to-day doesn't help you to lose weight at all. You need the calories to feed your baby and if you don't get them, your body will hold on to what it's got to make sure your baby gets what s/he needs.

Hnag in there - you won't be feeding forever

mrsruffallo · 11/01/2008 12:26

BF didn't help me lose weight! That only happened once I stopped.

StarlightMcKenzie · 11/01/2008 12:19

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Piggy · 11/01/2008 12:12

BF didn't help me lose weight at all. I think it's an urban myth. It was only when I stopped and began to get my life back (!) that it began to shift. Very slowly.

Puppie · 11/01/2008 12:09

StarlightMcKenzie I happen to agree with you about it sometimes it being a method of bullying (rather than encouraging) you to breastfeed and like you I intended to anyway. Out of 9 women that went to my antenatal classes...not one of them thinks that breastfeeding has helped them lose any weight!

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StarlightMcKenzie · 11/01/2008 12:00

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crokky · 11/01/2008 11:52

I fed my DS exclusively for 6 months and then for another 6-7 months mixed with solids. I promise you I have never been so hungry in my entire life. I felt weak with hunger, especially when DS was 4-6 months and still only having breast milk. I put on a stack of weight breastfeeding. Ironically, the day I came out of hospital having given birth, I only had about 8 or 9 pounds more weight on me than when I got pregnant so I had virtually nothing to lose, but put loads on instead

Flllightattendant · 11/01/2008 11:49

Oh no hang on. I did lose lots, I think I was 9st before pg,11 at the end and 10 after he came out. I lost half a stone in a few weeks and stayed at 9st now 9st3 ish.

Am 5ft7ish.

Flllightattendant · 11/01/2008 11:47

I haven't lost more than about 3lb since the day he was born (June).
I think because these days I have to walk slowly as ds1 walks...I used to charge about with a pram. Also have to car it to school for ds1 now so I get no exercise.

I think the 3lb I lost was that d&v bug in ecember anyway...

At least I'm not gaining though...

TheBlonde · 11/01/2008 11:43

no weight loss here
I am eating cake though

StarlightMcKenzie · 11/01/2008 11:37

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StarlightMcKenzie · 11/01/2008 11:34

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Puppie · 11/01/2008 11:21

StarlightMcKenzie I've actually put on a few pounds too. Also doesnt help that it makes you hungrier as well! (well it has for me anyway)

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StarlightMcKenzie · 11/01/2008 11:17

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