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Weight loss for vegetarians

959 replies

LargeInCharge · 16/04/2021 12:55

I’ve been a vegetarian nearly all my life and I want to lose weight to be healthier (and to look better in my clothes) so I thought I’d create a space where fellow veggies (and vegans too) can share their weight loss journeys, food ideas, recipes and how they are feeling.

I started my journey on Tuesday so this is day 4 for me. My daily calorie limit is 1200.

Weight - 15st 4 (weighed on day 1)
Height - 5’ 9
Goal weight - 10st 7

How I gained weight - not exercising, eating crisps, cake, too many carbs and booze.
Positive changes - trying to be more active, ditched the crisps, cake and booze. Limiting my carbs as much as I can.

No pressure to reveal weight or anything that’s personal to you.

Good luck. 🥗🌽🥦🥬🥕🥒🫑🥑🥭🍅🍑🍓🍌🥥🫐

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LargeInCharge · 29/04/2021 13:56

Welcome and well done on your weight loss @HarryJey

I have a rowing machine that I’ll start using every other day (to allow for muscle repair) when I get the motivation. So far I’ve been walking as much as possible and using my smart watch and Samsung health on my phone as well as myfitnesspal.

Yesterday’s dinner was nice, and substantial and I had ryvitas as a snack but ended up a low calorie day of 847 which was a bit frustrating. I wasn’t going to post that but I want to be honest. Onwards and upwards.

B - coffee and a raspberry Kvarg = 117
L - same salad as yesterday but more lentils = 215

I hope everyone’s week is going good.

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HarryJey · 29/04/2021 15:28


Welcome and well done on your weight loss *@HarryJey*

I have a rowing machine that I’ll start using every other day (to allow for muscle repair) when I get the motivation. So far I’ve been walking as much as possible and using my smart watch and Samsung health on my phone as well as myfitnesspal.

Yesterday’s dinner was nice, and substantial and I had ryvitas as a snack but ended up a low calorie day of 847 which was a bit frustrating. I wasn’t going to post that but I want to be honest. Onwards and upwards.

B - coffee and a raspberry Kvarg = 117
L - same salad as yesterday but more lentils = 215

I hope everyone’s week is going good.

Thank you @LargeInCharge for the warm welcome. For me, on most of the days, its high calorie day. Actually, I have a body issue where I crave for sweet food and if I do not get a small bite of it, then I get severe headache which lasts quite long. But, as I started my healthy diet, I try to get it in smaller portions and even my body has accepted the same.
LargeInCharge · 29/04/2021 16:13

You’re welcome @HarryJey

Although there are many different methods to weight loss I definitely think it’s also an individual thing. Your little sweet treat probably helps keep you on your healthy eating plan, someone else’s could be a savoury treat or a glass or two of wine.
It keeps us mindful about how to incorporate these treats to keep us positive about eating healthier.

I wonder if your headache is to do with sugar withdrawals?

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KihoBebiluPute · 29/04/2021 16:51

Not sure I have done very well today

B: Courgette & mushroom pancake with 2 rashers quorn bacon - 250cal
L: 3 ryvita with pate and cherry tomatoes, carrot with houmous, 100cal serving veg crisps, small banana. Then accidentally went a bit mad and had 2 black magic truffles and 2 chocolate digestive biscuits so probably about 700 calories, not sure.

But then I went on a 10km run so maybe that will be OK.
Doing a weigh-in tomorrow morning and I think I have probably lost about 1.5lb since last friday, maybe more.

Dinner I am going to make some colcanon to have with veggie sausages. I make colcanon by sautéing leeks in 1-cal spray, and steaming kale or cavolo nero above the pan in which I am boiling a 50:50 mix of potatoes and cauliflower. When cooked mash the potato and cauliflower with a teaspoon of mustard and some extra light philadelphia, then stir in the leeks and Kale - it feels like eating a serving of mashed potato but there's a lot more nutrition and a lot less calories than the same amount of simple mash.

purplegirl13 · 29/04/2021 18:11

Quick post for accountability, I'll catch up on posts later

B/L - cheese salad baguette
S - nuts
D - takeaway veg & tofu thai green curry, with rice

The thai food came from a restaurant I used to go do and I didn't realise they were on uber eats. I am always disappointed by thai food delivered but not this time, it was as tasty as I remembered.

PattyPan · 29/04/2021 19:22

Bit of a change of plan yesterday, I’ve recently restarted taking metformin as I have PCOS and it screws with my appetite so ended up having salad and veg for lunch and wholewheat spaghetti with hidden veggie sauce for dinner followed by raspberries.
Breakfast today - big bowl of vegan alternative to coco pops Blush but that’s finished the box
Lunch - bean burger I didn’t have yesterday, sweet potato wedges, veg
Snack - 2 squares 80% dark chocolate, strawberries
Dinner - carrot & cucumber sticks, apple with peanut butter. Probably wouldn’t have bothered if I hadn’t needed to take the medicine with food tbh

Yourownpersonaljesus · 29/04/2021 19:53

Hello everyone. Welcome to those who have recently joined us and well done LargeInCharge on your weight loss. This is what I ate today:
B - a mixture of branflakes and apricot and peach special K with skimmed milk, a cup of tea
S - a banana
L - Philadelphia on 5 Ryvita crackerbreads, 6 dried prunes, an apple, a fibre one chocolate cake bar
S - a portion of Graze chilli and lime nuts
D - a Waitrose vegan no chicken crispy slice, roasted sweet potatoes and veg (peppers, courgettes, carrots, onion), mango and Skyr natural yoghurt with a small squirt of honey

I'm really struggling to stay motivated at the moment. I don't want to put the weight back on that I've lost though. I wish I didn't love eating so much!

SuperLoudPoppingAction · 29/04/2021 20:07

After 2 weeks of planning meals and logging everything, I feel like I still enjoy the food I have but don't need to be as full all the time.
It feels like a really big change for me.

This evening I had soup and some brown bread and really enjoyed it. I would previously have treated it like a starter rather than a whole meal. It's ds1's birthday weekend and I had half a slice of cheesecake instead of a full one. Can't quite believe there are 300 calories in a full slice.

I had homemade guacamole on toast for lunch.

Bread and butter this afternoon for a snack. Again, I have 1 slice instead of 2 and it feels like an incredibly big deal.

PurpleDaisies · 29/04/2021 20:48

It’s mainly been leftovers for me today! Leftover asparagus in a tomatoey sauce on toast for breakfast, Cafe Nero veggie sausage roll for lunch and leftover sweet potato and other vegetabl rendang curry for dinner (with a wrap because there was no naan). Plus snacks of varying nutritional value...twiglets, oatcakes, squeaky bean pastrami and a popcorn bar. Overall not a bad day.

LargeInCharge · 30/04/2021 00:27

Thank you @Yourownpersonaljesus

My low calorie lentil salad is leaving me with a lot of calories to play with so I treated myself to two biscoff biscuits today. I hit my protein and fibre goal too.

Total = 1061

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MarmaladeToastAndAMarmaladeCat · 30/04/2021 12:38

Today’s meals are -

B - pain au chocolat and handful of raspberries. Not the healthiest but I’ve been craving one for a while and it’s within my calorie allowance.

L - mushroom omelette with half a slice of reduced fat cheddar, cucumber sticks and houmous. Very filling and just under 300 calories. Used olive oil spray to fry it for 10 Cals.

S - will probably have a banana and some propercorn lightly salted popcorn later

D - roasted chickpea and salad wraps.

May have a piece of dark chocolate in the evening if I have any spare calories.

Themadcatparade · 30/04/2021 13:04

Can I join this thread please? I’m vegan not veggie and trying to shift some some lockdown weight at the moment. I’ve opted for a low carb approach and current doing C25k 3x per week and swimming 2 x per week.

My weight is fluctuating but I can safely say I have lost 2lbs so far this week when looking at averages.

Height: 5ft 4”
Current weight: 153lbs
Short term goal: 147lbs
Long term goal: 140lbs

B: skipped (I tend to fast)
L: spinach with roasted asparagus, flat mushrooms, aldi no meat meatballs.
S: a couple of Brazil nuts, frozen mixed berries and lemon blended post run.
D: homemade ratatouille with salad.

LargeInCharge · 30/04/2021 14:07

Welcome @Themadcatparade of course you can join.

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KihoBebiluPute · 30/04/2021 14:33

I had a bit of a snacky morning, failing to stop eating breakfast so had a mushroom pancake, and a banana, and a couple of bits of chocolate that I had failed to put away last night and were sitting there being tempting, so probably about 350 calories.

Lunch so far I have had a quorn chicken and lettuce mini wheat&white tortilla wrap and some carrot sticks and houmous so that is about another 350 cals and if I can stop now I will be not any worse off than if I had been more controlled at breakfast. Writing this down and posting it will hopefully help me to step away from the larder and leave it at that rather than having another 200 calories worth which is what I want to do. Will see how it goes.

Hopefully I will last out till dinner time. Dinner is some butternut squash and black bean stew cooked earlier in the week, last portion needs eating up. If I manage to not snack until then I will have a nectarine and a couple of 42 cal Skinny Bakery pearls for pudding.

SuperLoudPoppingAction · 30/04/2021 16:42

I am quite pleased with how I'm doing today, given that it's a birthday.
Old me would have had at least 2 slices of cake.
I've had 1 and am totally not bothered about having any more.

I had an apple for breakfast. I had toast with a bit of pesto and a little edam for lunch. Then 1/14th of a chocolate fudge cake.

Dinner will be a Linda McCartney bao bun because they were on offer. So I can count the calories easily.
That comment I made a week ago about not managing to go much below 1500 - I'm finding it a lot easier now.
Really enjoying the food I do eat, but managing to cope with being hungry between meals.

PattyPan · 30/04/2021 17:49

Ooh you’re brave doing low carb as a vegan @Themadcatparade! I tried it and got frustrated about how many carbs were in pulses and had to give up Blush

Well done on sticking to one bit of cake @SuperLoudPoppingAction! Sounds like the mindset change has really stuck

Counted calories today as DP accused me of not eating enough
B - porridge & 150ml OJ 191kcal
L - bean burger, sweet potato wedges, veg, strawberries and banana 467kcal
S - nakd bar 149kcal
D - wholemeal spaghetti, tomato sauce, peas 340kcal. Might have some melon if hungry later.
Total 1149kcal and Fitbit says I’ve only burnt 1318 because I’ve been sat on my bum all day Blush Looking at the calories has made me see that I want to up what I’m eating for breakfast and lunch though and decrease dinner/not have an afternoon snack because I want to be eating more of my calories earlier in the day. I’ve been having moma porridge sachets but once they’ve been used up I’ll make my own bigger bowls.

SuperLoudPoppingAction · 30/04/2021 20:58

I filled my plate up with and
Surprised carrots have so many calories! Strong punchy flavours were great.

SuperLoudPoppingAction · 30/04/2021 20:59

Up to now, I've been eating more in the evening as I like going to bed feeling fairly full and I then fast until lunch.
Today though lunch and dinner were fairly balanced.

LargeInCharge · 30/04/2021 23:51

Well done on the cake @SuperLoudPoppingAction

B - coffee
L - lentil salad and sriracha quorn
D - quorn lasagne
S - coffees, a Fanta zero orange and skyr strawberry yoghurt.

Total 1009

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Indiangirl0000 · 01/05/2021 00:00

I'm so glad I found this thread! I'm a vegetarian and don't eat egg for religious reasons.

I have started my weight loss journey two weeks ago, I have been using an app to count my calories.

Currently weight 60kg
Target weight 55kg

I have been struggling to hit my protein target for the day

LargeInCharge · 01/05/2021 00:39

Welcome @Indiangirl0000

I find yoghurt, tofu and quorn help me hit my protein goals everyday. So much so I’ve ditched the protein shakes.

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SuperLoudPoppingAction · 01/05/2021 08:15

There's a fair amount of vegan (egg-free) quorn these days including sandwich slices.

I really like Seitan and sometimes make my own. If I have too much milk I make paneer which is possibly one of my favourite things.

On a day to day basis though my protein is fairly low.


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NotquitewhatImeant · 01/05/2021 08:18

Please can I join? I’ve been reading the thread and stealing your recipe ideas for a while...Blush. I’ve got about 7lbs to lose and am pretty short. I tend to use MFP and do plenty of exercise but I mindless snack when the kids are in bed so could use some accountability!

SuperLoudPoppingAction · 01/05/2021 08:52

I dont know if it would work for you, but what I've been doing is a)trying to go to bed on a relatively full stomach after a decent evening meal and b) bringing a large mug of herbal tea in with me.
Peppermint tea is ok without any sugar or honey.
If I have calories left I have fruit tea with half a spoon of honey.

When I crave food it's the sensory input.

I have been putting slices of fresh ginger in the fruit tea which seems to give a bit of a flavour hit.

LargeInCharge · 01/05/2021 09:26

Welcome @NotquitewhatImeant I’ve been inspired by the recipes too.

I drink fruit teas @SuperLoudPoppingAction my favourite is strawberry/raspberry twinings. I also like their sleep tea and a lemon/liquorice one. What’s your favourite herbal tea?

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