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wanna be gorgious in six weeks - anyone want to join me?

9 replies

wannaBeWhateverIWannaBe · 05/01/2007 16:50

six weeks tomorrow is my birthday, so I wish to shop for a new outfit to wear out 7 weeks today when it is my dh's birthday.

so, I weighed myself this morning and weighed in at 9 stone 9 lb. Am going to lose as much weight as possible in six weeks so I have the most gorgious figure possible to fit into the new outfit I shall buy.

anyone want to join me?

OP posts:
kittypants · 08/01/2007 15:04

ooohh,sounds interesting.i eat meat substututes which contain protein so may help.

mancmum · 08/01/2007 15:00

there is a 6 week program which might be more flexible...

mancmum · 08/01/2007 14:59

I bought his book but he does have a website..

new york body plan

Might be hard for veggie as it is protein and veg but you can eat eggs...and shakes... it is only for 2 weeks but I found it worked great for me lots of exercise but so effective...

kittypants · 08/01/2007 14:55

where do you find out about kirch?im veggie would it be suitable?

mancmum · 08/01/2007 14:53

the WWW is the wickedwaterwitch one in Style -- more about good clean living than weight loss but helps as makes you look after yourself more

Kirsch is the new york diet very hard but hugely effective can lose a stone in 2 weeks I lost 10lb last time I did it...

caffeinequeen · 08/01/2007 14:39

what are the WWW progs and David Kirsch?
can only dream of being 9stone anything.

kittypants · 08/01/2007 14:39

can i join!i was one of those annoying people who never put on weight till i had my 3rd its all on my bottom.any excersice tips?dvd tips?as result i dont know where to start.i walk loads .

mancmum · 08/01/2007 14:29

ME me me!! am on the 6 week WWW program as well but need to lose weight -- am attempting a luke warm version of the David Kirsch program so could so with some help!

SleepIsForTheWeak · 08/01/2007 14:22

I will join you!
I am going on holiday to South Africa in 6 weeks and want to be able to enjoy myself without feeling self conscious!
I am on day 3 of a detox diet - no wheat, no caffeine, no alcohol, etc... am trying to be strict during the week but relaxing a little on weekends (battle to be vegetarian!)
But was wondering wether to stick with this or try the GI, or the diest that was in the Sunday times.
What are you planning, diet buddy?

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