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14 replies

WhoTheFuckIsSimon · 07/01/2016 16:35

I'm thinking of getting one? Are they good or will I just not use it after a week? Was thinking of using it more for carrots/courgettes in salad. Sometimes to make spaghetti out of courgettes?

I haven't got much kitchen space and was thinking about one of the small hand held ones which you use like a pencil sharpener rather than a bigger one. Are these ok?

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WhoTheFuckIsSimon · 08/01/2016 23:33

Haven just ordered a £13 handheld one from Amazon.

It's difficult to know how accurate the reviews are as 90% of reviews for all models say "free gadget in exchange for honest review". So I'm never sure how honest they are.

But for £13 I guess it's not the end of the world if it's shit.

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JasperDamerel · 08/01/2016 23:04

When I wrote cheapest, I actually meant easiest.

JasperDamerel · 08/01/2016 23:03

I use mine lots. I don't have a food processor, and it's the cheapest way of getting big vegetables into small pieces. I had beetroot, carrot and cucumber spiral salad this evening. The children did the spiralizi game because it was fun.

I have the Lurch Spiralo.

BettyOctopus · 08/01/2016 22:58

Spiralizers are only a tenner in the range- we use it at least 3 times a week, it's brilliant for homemade coleslaw too

FeelingSmurfy · 08/01/2016 22:56

Supermarkets sell the courgettie type stuff now, I would buy the ready made stuff for a few weeks and see whether it's something you would stick with before you invest in a machine. I know that tesco and m&s definitely do a range of them

EverythingisonmyMurtaughlist · 08/01/2016 22:48

But what else can you do with it mrshoolie? I looked at the Lakeland one and decided against it as thought jus made your veg into "noodles"?

WhoTheFuckIsSimon · 08/01/2016 06:27

Ah, being a bugger to clean would probably put me off using it. Maybe I should get the proper Lakeland one then.

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kirinm · 07/01/2016 23:51

I've got the pencil sharpener one and it's absolutely fine although as a PP said, a bit of a pain to clean but it was cheap as chips on Amazon / eBay.

MrsHooolie · 07/01/2016 23:49

I had the pencil sharpener one,it was ok but a Bugger to clean. My DP bought me a Lakeland spiralizer for my birthday and it's bloody brilliant. I bought a spiralizer cookbook so loads of ideas in there instead of just courgetti (which are brilliant by the way)

LibrariesGaveUsP0wer · 07/01/2016 20:06

Oh. Sorry. Don't know then.

WhoTheFuckIsSimon · 07/01/2016 17:28

And I will used It for spaghetti sometimes.

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WhoTheFuckIsSimon · 07/01/2016 17:28

But I want pretty long spirals. Grin

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LibrariesGaveUsP0wer · 07/01/2016 16:40
LibrariesGaveUsP0wer · 07/01/2016 16:39

If it's just for salady stuff and you are short on space, wouldn't one of those julienne cutters do a similar job? They are ace on courgette and carrot.

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