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September Startover

42 replies

talkingnonsense · 01/09/2011 10:34

I need to overhaul my eating and exercise habits. Im 40 and this morning I weigh 66.6 kilos. I live off tea and cake and as I may be gluten intolerent this is not a good idea!
So today is September 1st. Ive tried food focus to keep me in line, but I just dont log in. BUT, I log in to mumsnet every day. And this thread will be there, looking at me, guilting me, spurring me on!
So, I want this to be a proper change, not a quick fix, so I'm going to take one step at a time. This week I'm going to drink 8 glasses of water a day, and try to stop at 5 cups of tea (currently on 10-12!). I'm also going to get my five a day fruit and veg. Next week i shall look at sugar.
Exercise wise I am aiming for 4 sessions a week, plus I walk the dog every day.
So, today i have done an hours circuit training, drunk 2 big glasses of water and eaten a nectarine. I'll see how I do by the end of the day. Hopefully by the end of september I'll have really improved what I eat, and then I shall aim to drop to 63 kilos (thats 10 stone). Anyone got any advice?
And I refuse to learn how to hide this thread, it is going to be my conscience. Grin

OP posts:
talkingnonsense · 07/09/2011 13:07

I'm going to fill a bottle too, good idea. I don't think it matters what cream, it just makes me feel like I'm doing the r ight thing iyswim. I have eaten too many carbs today, but I feel better than I did yesterday. Today is the 7th, so I need to add a new target for week 2!
Deep breath. Sugar! My downfall- hot cross bun for breakfast, elevenses ( usually at 10 and11), pudding at lunchtime, afternoon tea, chocolate. I can easily have 7 or 8 sugary snacks a day. So, in the interest of sustainable, baby step changes, I am going to cut down to 2 a day. So a biscuit maybe midmorning and mid afternoon. And no more. It'll probably kill me.
Wish me luck!

OP posts:
sweetcouchpotato · 07/09/2011 15:37

talkingnonsense, I like peppermint tea too and it does go rather well with chocolate. Blush I often make brownies from one of the Cook Yourself Thin books, they're so chocolatey that you really only need a small piece with your cuppa.

I've got really dry legs and have started dry brushing them before putting cream on every night and my legs have never felt so smooth. I finish them off by using a lush smelling moisturising lotion that makes my legs look slightly less pale as a vampire tanned.

sweetcouchpotato · 07/09/2011 15:45

Oh and good luck with the battle against biccies! Try to have a healthy breakfast, that usually helps me to get focused on eating well for the rest of the day... And then you can have a guilt-free treat later. Smile

AlwaysRocking · 07/09/2011 20:33

Well today was not good - really busy at work so I didn't have lunch, then ended up eating snacks while I was getting dd ready for bed and having a ready meal for tea Blush

On a better note I managed to cook some nice healthy meals for the freezer yesterday and I did remember to have a couple of glasses of water. Think I'll try the trick of filling a big bottle at the start of the day to remind me to drink more.

I think my resolution should be to stop skipping meals, I know it doesn't help in the long run!

Hope everyone else has had a good day.

livinonaprayer · 08/09/2011 11:00

Not really going as well as it should be Sad
I have got lots going on at the minute and am just grabbing the wrong choices. But am trying to be positive and treat each day as a new one instead of looking back on what went wrong.

Good to have this thread to motivate though, so thanks Smile

talkingnonsense · 08/09/2011 21:22

I had a bad day too- real carb cravings at the moment and just ate a huge slice of cake. I went to a gym class this morning, I had a healthy lunch- so how come I can't stay motivated and just want to stuff myself silly?

OP posts:
sweetcouchpotato · 09/09/2011 08:11

Hello ladies, I've been doing well on the water front and have managed to finish a whole bottle for the past two days, I guess that's a start. Wine is my downfall and I've had a couple of glasses already this week... Lots of empty calories, grrrr. Should try to limit myself to a couple of glasses on the weekend really. Also I need to keep an eye on portion sizes, I've started to fill half of the plate with veg, hope that helps.

livinonaprayer, I like your attitude, onwards and upwards! Smile

ebbandflow · 09/09/2011 10:27

Hi can I join too? I am currently 10st 9lbs-aiming to lose a stone. I love chocolate, cakes and biscuits-aim to reduce those and also increase walking during the week. Decided to start diet yesterday and spent all day craving scones with cream and strawberry jam. Hoping this will help motivate me.

talkingnonsense · 09/09/2011 10:36

There are lots of us now! Who has the magic answer? I have filled a jug with water for today. I had a healthy breakfast, and just ate a slice of cake. Now I have to stop eating till lunch, send me will power. Grin

OP posts:
sweetcouchpotato · 09/09/2011 11:24

Jump in ebbandflow!

Not that I have any to spare, hope it helps! Wink

I eat more when I'm bored, so I'm trying to keep myself busy. Also, I try to eat some lean protein with every meal (milk, yoghurt, cottage cheese, fish, prawns, eggs... I don't eat meat so it takes a bit more effort), otherwise I'll be rummaging for biscuits in no time.

Off to lunch soon and then out for a long walk with the dog, I'm saving my treat for the afternoon cuppa. Grin

mamasunshine · 12/09/2011 13:02

Hello ladies Smile
Well I've lost 2 lb's this week! Very pleased! So now 10st 8lb, 3lb's to go to be in the 'healthy' bmi!

The only changes I've made so far is not eating any junk after dinner, if I really feel hungry I have an apple and/or a mug of soya milk with cocoa powder (really good for weaning off chocolate bars!)

And I've been doing the 30 day shred. I'm on Level1 day 8 today and I'm loving how quickly I'm noticing my body change...highly recommend it, it's tough though, but just 20mins of sweat a day (although I've had 4 days off the last week!)

You all sound like you're doing well! Just remember small steps. The only thing I'm going to change this week is making sure I drink at least 1.5l of water a day. If I've conquered that by next Monday then I'll make another small change.

sweetcouchpotato · 14/09/2011 08:01

I have to admit that I wasn't being very good on the weekend (too much wine and fatty food at a party) and that's why I didn't lose any weigh last week.

On a more positive note, I did 2 hrs on the crosstrainer yesterday and have just finished today's workout. I've already drank half of my water and probably sweated the same amount. Let's hope this week will be better!

mamasunshine I have the '30 day shred' permanently in my shopping basket at Amazon, but I'm too scared to buy it in case I'm not fit enough. Hmm

mamasunshine · 14/09/2011 10:10

Go for it sweet! It's brilliant! Trust me if you can do 2 hrs on the cross trainer you'll be fine with the 30DS! It hurts after the 1st day, you'll probably need a couple of days off (I did!), but from that point it 's fab!

ebbandflow · 15/09/2011 11:36

well done mamasunshine you sound like you are working really hard. I am doing small steps to curb my sweet treats, I think I share talkingnonsense sugar addiction. So far I am having 2 old fashioned style biscuits e.g. custard creams and bourbons for elevenses-as these have a lot less calories than usual deluxe biscuits I buy. Then for after my evening meal 2 little 70 kcal cadbury treat bars. I have managed to resist cake so thats a start.

Lucewheel · 18/09/2011 20:45

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

ohijustdontknowanymore · 18/09/2011 21:49

Hi Everyone

Enjoying the weight loss threads, as they really are helping me.

I have been doing MFP for 5 weeks now and have lost 12 ibs, and I can't believe it.

Struggle with water intake but was given a tip from a friend:
I drink 650ml as soon as I get up and come downstairs in the morning. I then wait 45mins before having my cup of tea and breakfast. Then I do not consume anything else for 2 hours after this I eat and drink on a normal calorie count day.
It is bizarre but reckon it is helping me consume my water but also I feel better throughout the day and spookily reckon it is helping with my weight loss.

I have to agree custard creams are my favourite choice of biscuit, oh and the new aero mousse desserts I have just found out are under 100 calories per pot, thank you very much that is definately a small treat love it.

Keep going everyone it's great to get motivation and top tips xxx

sweetcouchpotato · 19/09/2011 11:54

Hello ladies,

I joined MFP and lost 2 lbs on the first week, so it seems to be working for me too. Smile I've also started the C25K program to get me back to running. I think I'll keep the shred dvd in the basket a while longer, I'm not ready yet! (read: Jillian is scary)

Lucewheel When I'm on the crosstrainer I put something nice on the telly and the time flies by, I don't even know I'm doing it until the sweat hits me in the eye. Grin

Hope everyone's doing well!

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