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Anyone not had a top table? if so what did you do?

26 replies

memphis83 · 19/07/2012 18:18

My wedding is ages away but the venue has messaged about tables and it got me thinking about the top table, my family would happily do the top table but DH's family are divorced, re married and having parents on the top table and their new H/W on another table isn't possible under any circumstances
So we have now planned on having all square tables including us but we still have the problem of who sits with us, my friend did this but still sat with both sets of parents, so who do we sit with, I thought friends e.g Best Man etc but then I feel like they would want to sit with their families.
I was determined to book it and not worry about stuff but already things are creeping up on me, it seems stupid, so MN wedding jury what do I do?

OP posts:
habibihabibi · 28/11/2017 16:06

My DH said he would have the rest of his life to have dinner with me so we sat at different tables.

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