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BLW - but i don't eat pitta bread and hummus for lunch

8 replies

katechristie · 16/10/2009 21:37

The title is not meant to be controversial, but I keep seeing people say their baby eats their pitta etc. and it's just that I don't eat very adventurous stuff for lunch - my menu amounts to:
Sandwich (e.g. cheese or ham or turkey or salmon)
beans on toast
spaghetti with fishfingers (DS' favourite, so I join in)
soup and roll

How do you get round this when your baby starts weaning? DD has so far swiped some banana, so I figured she was ready to be given bits of whatever we're having. At tea-time it's a lot easier, but we eat 5.45ish by which time she's too tired to really do anything with it, so I think lunchtime would be a better time to let her play with food.

OP posts:
StarlightMcKenzie · 18/10/2009 22:29

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AitchTwoToTangOh · 18/10/2009 22:28

nothing wrong with a cheese sandwich. (although at the risk of mentioning pitta bread, they are really nice filled with grated cheese and grated carrot and then put in the toaster...)

cara2244 · 18/10/2009 22:24

I found BLW made me more adventurous...for a we're back to cheese sandwiches as a staple!

Lunch out/weddings/parties etc are always a good experience as I find things he likes that I never would've thought to try.

AitchTwoToTangOh · 18/10/2009 22:13

just have your lunches there, but maybe add more veg sticks? if your baby has their pincer grip, frozen peas and sweetcorn will be your instant friend.

it doesn't matter that other people eat different food, just that it's good and tasty and nutritious. i'd watch the bread, it might get a bit salty, and don't forget that if you are giving egg, the one-egg omelette is the quickest lunch known to man and easy to eat for babies.

ThePinkOne · 18/10/2009 22:07

Soup's ok too. Dunk chunks of bread in it for them.

katechristie · 17/10/2009 11:17

ooh, thanks it makes it all sound so easy like that. I just don't get inspired to cook at lunchtime, as it's all i can do to clear away after brek, maybe get a wash on, feed DD, battle her nap etc!

OP posts:
vickstar76 · 16/10/2009 22:27

ham turkey and salmon all ok too

vickstar76 · 16/10/2009 22:27

chunks of cheese, tomatos, cucumber, toast with pate, cream cheese, french toast, cheese on toast, smooth nut butters,soup and roll is fab for BLW, fruit, pasta in tomatos, celery, BNS batons - maybe try eating dinner at lunch and tea instead of dinner.

remeber beans spagetti high in salt so just once week

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