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BLW - DS nearly 1 and eats bugger all. Am I breastfeeding him too much?

32 replies

MrsFawlty · 30/07/2009 15:57

I know you're not supposed to be able to feed them too much but I seriously worry that the amount of milk he's still having is displacing his hunger for food.

In addition, he refuses to take food off a spoon so am constantly racking my brain to think of pick up-able food, and as a result he ends up having mainly bread/wheat based meals. I can't get him to eat anything like grains, rice, or anything that isn't chip shaped. And I can't be making roast veggies every night, it's not practical.

Is this par for the course - should I try to change things?

OP posts:
TAFKAtheUrbanDryad · 02/08/2009 22:47

yes yes, sushi a win here. I had no idea people made it though, I just buy it in those little ready made packets. Great snack for when you're out and about.

Porridge pancakes, ds used to love them when he was little. Make porridge the night before, then let it cool and cut it into slabs. I used to put raisins in to make it more appetising.

whomovedmychocolate · 02/08/2009 22:52

More ideas for the OP:

(1) Breadsticks - introduce the idea of dips gradually (chickpea dips etc.)
(2) Pasta (whizz peas in a blender, mix with pasta 'alien pasta')
(3) Buy a waffle iron (oh yes!) The love the shape and you can vary the recipe to make it mildly healthy! (Blueberry waffles are delish!)
(4) Pasta part two - soft cheese can be shoved into pasta tubes - you can even get spinach in if you are very diligent/bored
(5) Eggs - hard boiled and sliced or 'dippy' eggs are very popular round here with soldiers.
(6) If all else fails, when you make roast veg, make double and freeze half or refridgerate - then you can be sure he'll have something whatever else you guys have.
(7) Chicken strips. Just chicken breast cut into strips. Mine like garlic and herbs on theirs.
(8) DS is very keen on minted lamb mince (just lamb mince with a bit of mint sauce in it - I made shepherds pie one day and he doesn't like the potato bit but loves the base so I made him a load and he loves it - messy but very nutritious and keeps them occupied for quite a while picking up the clumps).

whomovedmychocolate · 02/08/2009 22:53

Making sushi is surprisingly easy once you have the kit. And you can make it with regular rice. But it needs to be very cold and you need the right vinegar. Lakeland used to sell the kits, they probably still do. Tis v cheap to make actually.

LeonieSoSleepy · 02/08/2009 22:57

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whomovedmychocolate · 02/08/2009 22:58

Leonieissosleepy - what a lovely, thoughtful post.

Dalrymps · 02/08/2009 23:11

Ds 21mo eats hardly anything at all. Is on high cal milk and powder supliments. Am watching with interest

MrsFawlty · 04/08/2009 19:06

Hello - had a few days off MN and back to find all of you here! Thank you for posting, it's good to hear that it's not unique; it's so different to my experience with DS1.

Fab food suggestions WMMC, I've been wondering about sushi (I went through a phase of making it when I had more time on my hands!) so I might give that another go.

I think I'm just paranoid that he:

a) isn't getting enough of a range of foods/vitamins

b) will get some sort of intolerance due to eating nothing but wheat based meals

but I think am overthinking it, and some days he eats more (today he has eaten half a banana, a babybel, a crumpet with marmite, a nectarine, and possibly some cauliflower cheese, peas, rice and pesto - so not bad really!)

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