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toast question!

5 replies

IHeartIona · 22/09/2008 14:38

I have been giving my dd (just over 6 mo) purees for a couple of weeks but having read about BLW on here would like to give her things like toast fingers and roast veg too.
Re toast, I'm not sure whether to give her white or wholemeal, does it actually matter?!
And is it ok to butter it?

OP posts:
IHeartIona · 22/09/2008 16:00

thanks all! toast for tea it is

OP posts:
nailpolish · 22/09/2008 14:41

if you do use butter, make sure its butter and not that margarine crap
proper butter is better

DanJARMouse · 22/09/2008 14:41

doesnt matter - my DS has either

the whole point of BLW is to give normal daily foods that you eat to your child.

My DS has had all sorts, spag bol, roast beef and all the trimmings etc

DS is quite partial to marmite on toast!

nailpolish · 22/09/2008 14:41

i wouldnt bother with butter
it just turns to much in their little fist anyway
spread some puree on it if you like - veg or fruit
and id go for whole meal definitely
white can be salty

chunkychips · 22/09/2008 14:40

It doesn't matter, white or wholemeal, apparently you shouldn't give them TOO much roughage though, so even though wholemeal is probably healthier, white is good too. I put butter on.

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