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Help - 13 month old suddenly gone off all food he used to like

17 replies

Leeeza · 20/05/2008 13:37

My 13 monthd old DS used to love all the meals i gave him - all home-made and ate everything - spag bol, chicken n apple balls, mini beef burgers, fish n tagliatelli in cheese sauce etc etc - even started feeding himself last week and was doing really well - as of last saturday this has all changes - firstly spat out pasta, next day also carrots were spat out, yesterday rice and today spag bol - all spat out. Resorted yesterday to making a banana sandwich which he happily ate and today, after spitting out spag bol, made him a cheese sandwich which he happily ate. What's wrong and what should i do? Still been eating his cereal in the morning - porridge or sugar free cheerios and seems o.k with this but anything else.

OP posts:
FartnissEverbeans · 20/09/2018 19:10

Welcome to toddlerhood. Wine

Better get some chicken nuggets in because you’re gonna need them

Help - 13 month old suddenly gone off all food he used to like
mama2miles · 05/09/2018 23:35

My DS (13.5 months) is quite similar to this at the minute since just before he turned 12months. Drives you round the bend doesn't it? It's mad the food that gets wasted but more importantly a worry that he isn't getting enough nutrients from the food he does decide to eat. He is mainly rejecting fruit and veg. Even in like stews/pasta sauces etc he will spit out carrot and onions pieces. He formerly ate all foods. I have noticed he has a few molars coming through so hope it's just a phase due to this and gets back on track soon. He won't even entertain Apple/strawberry's etc major kicking offs occur when he sees these in his dinner plate (though I do continue to offer).

Louisefbruno · 25/08/2018 13:54

Hi guys I’m sure this has being posted a million times before but hey I need to ask again .. we adopted our grandson from uk and brought him to Australia.. before we left he would eat anything .. feed himself with spoon etc wouldn’t throw food .. after a month of being in Australia he has started throwing all his food .. he won’t self feed just throws food .. he has gone off his foods he used to love .. won’t touch fruit it’s like I’m giving him something horrible .. I feed him and he takes a few spoonfuls and pushes spoon away .. is this normal and any advice on how long this lasts or ideas of foods to give him .. i was feeding him cooked meals meat and vedgetables every day with a sandwich for lunch and cereal.

peachygirl · 22/05/2008 20:48

DD (15 months) has gone off food recently too. I'm thinking it has somethng to do with side teeth coming through.
Today the CM said she ate hardly anything. I gave her porridge for tea so she didn't have to chew it and it would fill her up.

missorinoco · 22/05/2008 20:40

ah, feel so cheered up now. pinkjenny, ds has also gone off puddings. i practically had shares in those organics pots and petit filous. have finished the last two myself.

Pinkjenny · 22/05/2008 15:36

Totally Bramshott - sleep and food, both guaranteed to send your blood pressure up and stress levels through the roof.

My friend's 2.5yo is still a very finicky eater, but she has learnt to try and relax. Mealtimes were becoming a total warzone. I always offer dd her normal 'hot' option, but if she won't eat it, I give her a sandwich, as I know she'll eat that.

I may feel differently, however, when all she'll eat is sausages and cheese, which is all my friend's dd will eat!

Bramshott · 22/05/2008 15:31

Aparently their calorie needs go right down at about 12 months as well. DD2 (14 months) is probably eating about half the quantity she was eating 3 months ago, and will only eat things she can pick up herself and throw around. I am trying not to get stressed . . .

Pinkjenny · 22/05/2008 15:30

We tried strips of roast chicken which she seemed to like, I do dairylea most of the time, and butter on her toast.

Leeeza · 22/05/2008 15:23

What u putting in the sandwiches - i do philadelphia and no sugar jam or peanut butter or mashed egg or banana or avocado. what else could i do that would be protein.

OP posts:
Pinkjenny · 22/05/2008 15:19

Dd 12 months, starting to have lots of sandwiches as she wants to feed herself. Completely gone off all 'hot' food choices and also gone off most pudding choices. Wants fairy cakes and bananas etc, things she can hold herself and eat at her leisure, i.e. eating a piece of toast off the floor three hours after it was given to her.

vermilion · 22/05/2008 15:15

It's quite common apparently for children to get to about a year and then 'go off' most of the food they previously ate. Something to do with the way the taste buds change at that age, I dimly remember reading.

When it happened with us we just gave a selection of foods, old and new. Another thing I read was to think of their food intake over a week rather than a day, so as not to get worried that they're not having enough of one food group. It does tend to even out.

It's bloody frustrating though, when you've just got into the groove of feeding them good food.

missorinoco · 22/05/2008 15:10

so what are you giving them?

ds 12 months, previously ate more for breakfast than i did. has rejected all lovingly cooked food for months, now refusing jars, bread, petit filou......

(i exaggerate slightly, he will have a few mouthfuls, but that is all.)

any tips?

sneekpeeks · 20/05/2008 15:43

Ds is 12mths and is doing the exact same thing at the moment!!

So soul destroying throwing lovely home cooked food in the bin

Leeeza · 20/05/2008 15:34

Mrs Badger - No he's rejecting his finger foods aswell.

Mrspnut - Hee, Hee!

OP posts:
mrspnut · 20/05/2008 13:41

That should be Your son - not having met you he can't be our son.

mrspnut · 20/05/2008 13:40

Don't make him anything else - if he doesn't eat what you provide then take it away without fuss and offer him some water or perhaps fruit.

I rotate DD2's meals so that she has something that I'm fairly certain she'll eat every day but the other meal will contain things that she has refused in the past and after a while she will eat them.

our son is just beginning to assert his independence and the more fuss you make. the more he will do it. Paste a smile on your face and be prepared to chuck your lovingly made creations in the bin for a while.

MrsBadger · 20/05/2008 13:38

so he's rejecting things you spoon in in favour of finger food?

veeery normal

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