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What is Baby Led Weaning?

10 replies

Jude1 · 22/11/2007 22:51

My DS will be turning 6 months in the next couple of weeks when I'll be starting to wean him. I've heard the phrase "Baby led Weaning" a lot but i don't know what this is! Is it better for the baby? How's it done? Also, when researching the topic of weaning just now the SMA website told me that if i planned to continue breastfeeding whilst weaning I needed to give vitamin drops also. Has anyone else heard this?

OP posts:
superkat · 29/11/2007 10:12

PS - Jude. At six months a babies iron stores do start to deplete. You can provide this in diet for your DC. Remember to provide vitamin C foods as well as this aids iron absorbtion. ;0)
K x

superkat · 29/11/2007 10:04


I am just starting out with BLW. I am contributing to a blog run by Mel.

There will be daily posts charting our experiences which started yesterday. I would really welcome readers and their comments whether you are BLWing right now or are a BLWer who, like Aitch, has lots of experience.

I would definately recommend reading the blogs out there as they give you a perspective on what is involved and what to expect. Also a fabulous place to get support!

Happy Days,


Aitch · 23/11/2007 20:46


Jude1 · 23/11/2007 20:35

Hi all, thanks for all ur advice! I thought that the idea of vitamin drops sounded a bit silly. I've been checking out Aitch's blog, and BLW sounds great, i think that nxt month me and my LO will definitely give it a go!

OP posts:
Aitch · 23/11/2007 11:42

hello! lol about SMA trying to make bfing sound complicated, but of course... clearly Mother Nature is a daftie who breathed a sigh of relief when SMA turned up.
come and see us on the BLW site, you'll be made most welcome.

TinkerbellesMum · 23/11/2007 03:04

My daughter was 31 weeks and I couldn't be bothered with the iron drops, I was given them and felt guilty that I kept missing them, but I don't regret it now.

There is a whole big myth over iron in breastmilk, it is to help sell formula. The human race hasn't survived for thousands of years without iron drops by accident!

BLW, fantastic! Check out the forum link on Aitch's website. If there's anything you need to know, there will be people who can help you on any side of it. I'm sure we will make an evangelical BLW expert out of you in no time!

JamesAndTheGiantBanana · 23/11/2007 00:05

Hi washersaurus! haven't seen you on the postnatal thread for a while, how are you and lo?
Washersaurus · 22/11/2007 23:20

My HV told me and a friend we would need to give our little ones vitamin drops if bf and weaning - we both chose to ignore her advice.

hunkermunker · 22/11/2007 23:03

The SMA website told you to give vitamin drops?! Ah, of course they did - they like to make bfing sound complicated.

No need to give vitamin drops whatsoever, imo and ime.

As for BLW - Aitch's blog is where it's at - there's a forum link there too which is excellent.

JamesAndTheGiantBanana · 22/11/2007 23:01

This is a link to a blog by a MNer called aitch who has done blw on her baby, it's a great place to start finding out about blw. But if you have a look at the weaning section there are many many threads on it, lots of people are trying it now!

Not sure about vitamin drops, sorry.

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