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How much fish a week for 9 month old?

6 replies

GibbonInARibbon · 21/06/2007 09:47

Can someone please tell me the guidelines?
I know oily fish has a limit, does other fish?
Also, tinned tuna is not classed as oily - is there a limit on this?

Don't get me wrong not wanting to give it 24/7 but DD loves it and at the moment I'm just giving it once a week.

My head is swimming with fish related questions

(did you like the pun there?)

OP posts:
GibbonInARibbon · 21/06/2007 10:18

Thanks KM and Granny

Think I'll stick to twice a week. My mum was raised on fish, her dad was a fisherman in Ireland...strange how it affects some people and not others.

OP posts:
GrannyWeatherwax · 21/06/2007 10:10

I have no idea how much but would recommend not too much. My dad,a war baby, had so much as a little one he is now allergic to it and if he eats fish his skin goes all scaly and the top layer comes off quickly. I wonder why I'm not that keen on eating much fish....

KerryMum · 21/06/2007 10:05

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GibbonInARibbon · 21/06/2007 10:00

Thanks KM - twice a week sounds good.

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KerryMum · 21/06/2007 09:58

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GibbonInARibbon · 21/06/2007 09:56

someone in this plaice must know

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