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Where can I get a definitive llist of what can be introduced when?

2 replies

SlightlyMadSanta · 07/12/2006 14:38

I am going to give DD3 cheesy veg for tea. She is 7m and I am 99% sure she can have cheese from 6m. It would be good to have a definitive list that means I am not relying on my 6yr old copy of hte birth to 5 book.

OP posts:
Charliebird · 07/12/2006 17:12

There is a book from about weaning by an author who cannot be named. In the back there is a list of common foods and when to introduce them. Mild cheddar ok from 6 months.

fluffyanimal · 07/12/2006 15:27

I don't know if there is a definitive list, but I found the info in Annabel Karmel's Complete Baby and Toddler Meal Planner quite helpful in that regard.

I think the main things are that under 12 months, eggs must be completely cooked, and no nuts or honey, and no added salt. After 6 months most other things should be OK if no history of allergies. Cheese should be fine, my ds has been having it from 7 months with no probs.

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