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HV has advised weaning DS (5.5.months) - where do I start?!

12 replies

Natale28 · 02/08/2014 20:09

DS has 8 oz bottles every 3 hours throughout the day, sometimes he wants more and has another ounce. I have tried stretching out his feeds as people keep telling me he should be feeding every 4 hours at his age but sometimes I can barely get him to wait 3 hours!

Due to volume of milk and frequency of feeds the HV has suggested I start weaning. I have pureed carrot and apples so far, both of which he seemed to like but I really don't know how much I should be offering him. Is it just after his milk once a day to start with? Or is it better to leave a gap after his milk before giving solids so that he isn't too full?

Also can he have any finger foods? If so what are the best things to give him?

I haven't really got my head round it yet and I thought it'd be another couple of weeks until I'd have to get on with it!

Any advice much appreciated.

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roxanneeubank333 · 16/09/2014 15:47

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dragon43 · 12/08/2014 16:51

I followed Annabel Karmel as well with DS1 and its helpful if you want a clear guide to follow as to what to start when. I'm trying to be a bit more relaxed with DS2 but remember picking up from somewhere to start with 1 meal a day in week 1, 2 meals in week 2 and 3 meals in week 3. Doesnt mean they will actually eat much if znything at all those meals but at least gives yiu a pattern to aim at.

dragon43 · 12/08/2014 16:02

I followed Annabel Karmel as well with DS1 and its helpful if you want a clear guide to follow as to what to start when. I'm trying to be a bit more relaxed with DS2 but remember picking up from somewhere to start with 1 meal a day in week 1, 2 meals in week 2 and 3 meals in week 3. Doesnt mean they will actually eat much if znything at all those meals but at least gives yiu a pattern to aim at.

Passmethecrisps · 02/08/2014 23:43

I would see it as harmless to start as you would be soon anyway without her advice. He seems ready from what you say.

Don't expect a change in his milk intake though as it seems fine as is. He may take to solids like a duck to water though so no harm.

If you relax about weaning (which is was not) it could be really good fun. The point is texture and taste so just go with it.

Natale28 · 02/08/2014 22:31

I did wonder if other babies of the same age had a similar amount. DS is on 50th centile so he's not over or underweight. HV suggested it as she said it might stretch his feeds out a bit - I don't know if she was right or not?! I don't have an issue with 3 hour feeds although I was getting a bit concerned with him sometimes taking 9 oz bottles and sometimes wanting a feed before the 3 hours was even up as this seemed like a lot of milk to me. I'm a first time mum and I just feel like I should do what HV says!

As he's not far off 6 months anyway I think I'll just gently start with some purées and see how we get on.

Thanks for suggestions re foods to try.

OP posts:
Passmethecrisps · 02/08/2014 20:50

I can't remember exactly but I think my dd was also on 5 bottles until about 8 or 9 months. She didn't always take a full one but thereabouts. Like the pp this was why I am a little sceptical about the advice being related to his apparent hunger.

feesh · 02/08/2014 20:37

My twins were on 3-hourly full (8oz) daytime bottles until well into weaning (9 months or so?). I think it was 5 or 6 bottles a day. Weaning didn't make any difference to their milk intake for a loooong time.

So were most of the other twins I knew at twins group so I don't think it's unusual.

Passmethecrisps · 02/08/2014 20:32

If you want to hand him some food and see what happens I started with well steamed (boiled really) baby corn and broccoli. I tried purée as well and did a bit of both. She used to love sucking on the veggies.

My one issue with the advice you have been given is that veggies in tiny amounts won't fill him up at all but I suppose you need to start somewhere.

Other things dd loved were the little rice cakes - I gradually introduced new flavours of purée by spreading them on those as she was very reluctant with a spoon

Natale28 · 02/08/2014 20:28

Thanks knit - I think I'll get the book, it'll be nice to have something to follow as I feel a bit lost! I'll make some more veg purees tomorrow.

I really want to just hand him some food and see what happens but I'm scared of him choking or something - purees don't seem as scary!

Sweepthehalls - yes he is interested in it, I was sat next to him eating a cracker with cheese the other day and he tried to swipe some from my plate!

OP posts:
Natale28 · 02/08/2014 20:28

Thanks knit - I think I'll get the book, it'll be nice to have something to follow as I feel a bit lost! I'll make some more veg purees tomorrow.

I really want to just hand him some food and see what happens but I'm scared of him choking or something - purees don't seem as scary!

Sweepthehalls - yes he is interested in it, I was sat next to him eating a cracker with cheese the other day and he tried to swipe some from my plate!

OP posts:
SweepTheHalls · 02/08/2014 20:22

Is he actually interested in food? It was described to me as looking like they really wanted a biscuit to go with their milk! I knew my DS was ready when he was sat on my lap during lunch and a little hand came up and stole a tomato!

knitcorner · 02/08/2014 20:20

I followed Annabel karmel's book pretty much to the letter for DS - I liked the fact that I didn't need to think about making food decisions so just did what the books said. Start with the puréed veg for the first few weeks before moving onto the fruit. I think we stuck with the same vegetable everyday for a few days before moving onto the next one (ie sweet potato every day or a week). One meal a day, we gave food before a milk feed at lunch time, but you just need to make sure that its the same time everyday (whichever time suits you).

Finger food is ok, too but they don't really 'eat' much of that to start with.

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