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weaning day 1!

9 replies

bambinibop · 31/07/2014 21:48

So dd had some banana melon and potato today (separately!) Licked the banana. Ignored the melon. Gagged (which was terrifying even though I was kind of expecting it!)on the potato and sicked some back up then started eating her high chair strap enthusiastically. ..This is all normal right!!?
Any tips for day 2!?

OP posts:
bambinibop · 07/08/2014 22:20

Hmm maybe I should try a few spoons of things here and there so help things along I've been very lazy to be honest and just giving stuff from my plate no planning has gone into it! I've no idea if what I'm doing is ok!

OP posts:
Woodenheart · 07/08/2014 20:02

I still spoon feed sometimes, if we are in a rush,
And DD is 14 months,

We still Breastfeed, when we are out DD has cows milk & DD feeds herself, most times,

It all comes together in the end OP, somehow Shock

bambinibop · 07/08/2014 12:13

I hope so it's only been one week since we started so not too worried yet and I'm continuing breastfeeding her as normal . I'm definitely not against spoon feeding and I've given her a spoon of yoghurt and a spoon of mashed nectarine but that wasn't much more successful than the finger food! I'll keep just offering her what we're having within reason and up it to twice a day and see what happens

OP posts:
loveisagirlnameddaisy · 07/08/2014 12:01

I spoon fed but I'm sure that was more about satisfying my need to see her eat than any dietary need of my DD! Milk is still her main food and you'll find that she'll start to up her intake of solids pretty quickly as she gets used to the process of eating.

bambinibop · 07/08/2014 11:59

Thank you for asking!

OP posts:
bambinibop · 07/08/2014 11:58

Well it's a slow process but definitely getting there she had cucumber tomorrow and seemed quite happy sucking away on it for ages. She has tried quite a few different things now but still hardly swallowing anyway two mouthfuls per meal sometimes not even that! I can see why people would spoon feed but I guess this is normal and she will start eating more?? I have tried introducing a second mealtime today so she had a fruit snack mid morning no idea if I'm doing this right! !

OP posts:
Woodenheart · 06/08/2014 21:37

Hows it all going? Grin

bambinibop · 31/07/2014 22:03

Thanks for the reply I thought it was all quite normal but you just wonder when it's your first and I guess I thought she might like some of it! I will offer banana and melon again as have some left I can share when I have it tomorrow!

OP posts:
Woodenheart · 31/07/2014 21:56

I read it takes about 10 try's of a food, for them to like it,

My DD has tried strawberries twice and isn't sure yet, Grin

I found it like groundhog day stressful, scary and fun, DD is over 14 months now and still makes me laugh with the faces she pulls!

Keep up the good work OP Thanks

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