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Warming up baby food - central London locations needed

7 replies

dodi1978 · 25/02/2014 21:49


I am finally going to explore London with my seven month old DS. However, in the last couple of days he has been really fussy with finger foods, so I am thinking of warming up pureed food.

What places are there in central London where I can warm up baby food (microwave?) I will arrive at Waterloo and won't be going any further than Leicester Square / Trafalgar Square / Piccadilly. Is the Southbank Centre any good.

Many thanks for any hints and tips.

OP posts:
Woodifer · 26/02/2014 21:56

At that age my DD would slurp cold straight from the pouch.

ilovepowerhoop · 26/02/2014 08:25

could you take something like yoghurt and a banana and that wouldnt need heating. Mash the banana if you want puree or give it as finger food

dodi1978 · 25/02/2014 22:53

By the way, how long approx does a jar need to warm up to feeding temperature (luke-warmish to warm) when placed in a cup of water.. I have never used one!!!

OP posts:
dodi1978 · 25/02/2014 22:49

I'd prefer a microwave to heat up my own food, but will probably bring a jar as well, just in case. Unfortunately, he can't quite cope with biggish junks yet and because of teething issues I'm going to keep to purees.

Giraffe seems to be a good place (we often go in our home town), so might ring them early in the morning. Thanks for the tip about the National Gallery, I wouldn't have though of that - it's a good stopover at about the middle of our trip!

OP posts:
smallinthesmoke · 25/02/2014 22:10

My experience is that you might find it quite difficult to find somewhere with a microwave that they'll let you use. Places tend to cite health and safety rules and chains are often completely inconsistent about whether they will or won't help depending on the member of staff.
How warm does your DS need his food to be? As my DD1 surprised me by happily eating jars cold (in the Southbank Centre too). By the time I got to DD2 she just ate what I ate mashed up- Tate Modern fish and mushy peas, Eat do fruit salads and soup, Giraffe is kid friendly too (you could ring them re their policy on heating food). All on South Bank.
Does immersing a pouch in boiling water work for you btw as that will be easier to get hold of?
I hope you have a lovely time. The Espresso cafe in National Gallery is great for quietish feeding btw. (Not the main cafe but one more tucked away). Their changing rooms are good too.

fizzly · 25/02/2014 21:59

Most cafés, pubs, restaurants etc will do this for you happily. Just make sure to check it is not too hot before giving to your DC (obviously!).

FrumiousBandersnatch · 25/02/2014 21:58

What facilities do you have in mind? Do you want access to a microwave or somewhere that would be happy to give you a bowl of hot water?

Giraffe in the southbank centre is very child-friendly and would probably be happy to help if you were buying something for yourself.

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