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how do you heat tiny portions?

6 replies

gretagrape · 10/09/2013 15:02

Hi. I'm just reading up on recipes and the like as I want to use home-made purees, but when you are only serving up a tiny portion, how do you heat it? You can't just put an ice-cube size of puree in a saucepan so what do you do - the only other way I can think of is to put the puree in a glass bowl over the pan (like melting chocolate).

Feel v stupid, but can't think of another way!

OP posts:
delasi · 11/09/2013 11:55

Road Good point, I had assumed that puree meant veg or fruit (not sure why, we've only ever used puree for fruit so I guess I forgot it could also be meat!).

In which case, I second the idea of a very small pan, like the egg pan Smile

RoadToTuapeka · 11/09/2013 11:01

I didn't have a microwave with DS1. I used a small milk pan (non stick and was a good brand so small amounts didn't stick or burn).
I think some foods (maybe meat?) have to be re-heated til very hot and then cooled to temp baby can eat, so jug/hot water might not get it hot enough.

DanceLikeJohnTravoltaNow · 11/09/2013 08:10

We use a single egg pan, perfect size!

gretagrape · 11/09/2013 08:07

Hi - thanks for replying. I have got a microwave but I don't really like using it much. I hadn't thought of the jug/hot water - think I need a bit more sleep!


OP posts:
delasi · 10/09/2013 17:57

Oh, I just remembered that I knew someone who would put a little container with the food in a jug of hot water, and stirred it. Similar to a bowl over a pan but no pan involved.

If you had defrosted it already then that should be fairly quick.

all on the assumption that no microwave is involved!

delasi · 10/09/2013 17:55

Do you have a microwave? Because I think that's what most people do.

Otherwise you could defrost the night before and serve cool/room temp?

I thought everyone had microwaves Blush

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