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Drinking water

12 replies

ChaCha · 02/06/2006 14:36

For the past couple of days I've been trying to get DS aged 6mths to drink water from a cup. He is trying very hard but not quite getting there. Today at lunch time I took the spout part off and just let him sip water which he did very well ensuring that he actually got some liquid!
I've just bought an avent magic cup and am hoping that with regular use he'll get the hang of it. He had been holding his bottles of milk as if they had handles so thought it would be worthwhile starting on those cups.
Any experiences pls? How long did you percevere for, what did you find worked etc.
Can you give babies water in a bottle too, and how much water should they be drinking a day? Am currently giving him a v.small amount with his lunch.

OP posts:
archiesmummy · 11/06/2006 22:05

Hi,I have just bought 2 doidy cups for my 5 and a bit month old son and was wondering when to start trying to get him to drink water?
He is still exclusively breastfed, but we are hoping to try and start "baby lead weaning" with fingerfoods at 6 months. Should I try to get him used to water firts or wait???

bramblina · 03/06/2006 21:44

Once you remove the valve, just tip it in to his mouth for very short amounts, my ds used to choke quite easily at this point as the water really comes flying out! He got the hang of the valve after about 2 wks without the valve then just a couple of days sucking hard with it!

suzi2 · 03/06/2006 21:24

My DS (10 months) only uses an open cup. It's still a bit fiddly as I have to support the base of the cup. He can lift it and drink but hasn't mastered putting it down again! In some senses it's a pain as he can't take a sip himself, but in other ways it's ideal as when we're eating out he can use anything the restaurant has - a glass or teacup. And in the long run I'm sure I'll appreciate it!

ChaCha · 03/06/2006 00:49

Thank you for the replies.
I will try removing valve now Blush Am surprised he wasn't going purple trying!

Sigh of relief :)

OP posts:
gegs73 · 02/06/2006 19:21

Like jodie I found tommee tippee cups were best for my ds as they are free flowing but not so much that they go everywhere amd as long as you don't buy the red ones, they don't leak (bought so many of the things as always losing them and don't know what it is about the red ones but always do!).

Tried magic cups which he couldn't use and when I tried even I could hardly get any water out!

azroc · 02/06/2006 18:56

Starting on lidless cups early seems to be good, they learn remarkably quickly. Not so good for travelling though!

PanicPants · 02/06/2006 18:44

remove the filter in the avent cups - it's impossible!

jodie1984 · 02/06/2006 18:26

hi, i found that the tommee tippee \link{\1stcup} was the best for them to grip and easyist to suck

Ledodgyherring · 02/06/2006 14:42

Valve! Thats the word i was looking for! Grin

LIZS · 02/06/2006 14:41

Have you taken the valve out of the magic cup for the time being ? It is still pretty soon for him to manage a cup on his own so just let him try and don't worry about additional fluid intake unless it is really hot.

clairemow · 02/06/2006 14:41

Hi ChaCha - it took DS ages to work out how to suck from a cup - also started around 6 months, and tried any cup I could get my hands on. It must have been a couple of months I think. Sipping from a cup without the spout is good, the avent magic cup is good once they've worked it out - it doesn't spill if thrown about...! DS now drinks all his milk and water from a cup like that, but he's 2 and now trying to drink from a normal, big boy cup. Just try any cups you can get your hands on, and then go with one that works for your DS.

You can of course give him water in a bottle. How much they drink depends on them - DS has (since he worked the cup out) always drunk quite a bit - I used to offer a cup full half way through his meal - so he didn't spoil his appetite, but I know some children who don't want to drink much. As long as you're offering him water q. often in the hot weather, you should be fine.

Ledodgyherring · 02/06/2006 14:40

If you're going to try the avent magic cup I suggest removing the inside filter/seal thing first as otherwise it's very hard for them to get any liquid out of it at all, try it yourself with the filter thing on it's near impossible!

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