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What a silly mummy!

4 replies

MrsWhirling · 19/05/2013 17:11

Hi all,
I have just fed my 5 1/2 DS his first ever baby rice.

He is EBF but instinctively I made up the rice with formula milk... I don't know why?? B

Is this ok? Is he likely to have an upset tummy? Should I have expressed and used that instead?

Sorry if I sound dim, I'm not really! X

OP posts:
Startail · 19/05/2013 18:28

I can't express for toffee, DD2 never minded formula in food.

Wouldn't drink it, but she doesn't drink cows milk either. By 10 years old she'd drink hot chocolate and milkshake, but not milk.

As milllkki say breast milk is sweet and DD has remained of the opinion that drinks should be sweet.

WouldBeHarrietVane · 19/05/2013 18:21

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mikkii · 19/05/2013 17:47

Yes, I know because I tried everything I gave them, although some things never more than once!

mikkii · 19/05/2013 17:45

Not dim at all. My DC were all bf, although DC3was on formula before weaning. It probably won't upset him, but rice made with BM is really sweet whereas made with formula is really bland.

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