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Toys for the highchair (that don't fall off!)

5 replies

milkyman · 09/04/2013 11:23

My 5.5 month old is enjoying his new highchair. We can now eat together at the table with him (rather than in shifts and eating on our laps!!). Can anyone recommend some toys you can buy that you can attach to the highchair that don't fall off. I spent our last meal picking up all the toys he kept throwing off the chair!! I know this is trivial but want him to enjoy sitting with us - he likes to have something to fiddle with at all times!

OP posts:
PoppyAmex · 11/04/2013 15:29

DD has one like this and she loves it. Got ours from Achica and it's been great, suction cups are hell to take off!

WeeSooty · 11/04/2013 08:48

I've just discovered a Pat Mat from the early learning centre! DD loves pushing it, keeps her amused for ages! And I admit to finding it quite relaxing as well!

Aworryingtrend · 10/04/2013 08:57

we have the fisher Price rainforest twist and spin suction toy, ds loves it. The suction isnt foolproof but it generally stays put if I give it a good lick

gruffalobore · 10/04/2013 06:39

Some of our baby toys have loops already on for attaching to things, we attach them to ds' highchair straps and we also have a toy that suctions to the tray - got that from a car boot sale so no idea where you can get them! maybe Google highchair toys?
Or we just simply find things around the kitchen for him to play with and put them on his tray- wooden spoon, plastic bowl etc.

slightlysoupstained · 09/04/2013 17:59

We just linked a few cheap shower curtain rings together and then attached one end to the loop on one of DS's rattles. I've seen purpose-made toy ring sets too, and fabric loops for attaching toys to prams. Try looking for "pram toys" and picking something easily washable?

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