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Blue cheeses, pate, that sort of thing

5 replies

VisualiseAHorse · 22/12/2012 16:15

Just gave my 8 month old boy some Stilton, and he loved it! Couldn't get enough, licked the cracker clean!

Then I thought...hang it ok to give him blue cheese? He's not really a fan of normal cheddar, only seems to like the super-strong crumbly hard cheese. But is soft/blue cheese ok?

I suppose it's a worry left over from pregnancy, no blue cheese, no pate, no runny eggs etc. Are these things all ok once baby is over 6 months?

OP posts:
VisualiseAHorse · 23/12/2012 08:23

Cool :) Thanks for help ladies :)

OP posts:
FredFredGeorge · 22/12/2012 18:09

There's a slighly higher chance of bugs which cause food poisining in blue cheese, pate etc. So people with weak immune systems are advised to avoid, pregnant women generally don't have a weak immune system but even a relatively mild poisoning with Listeria that would be shaken off easier can cause a miscarriage. That's why you're advised to avoid when pregnant.

If your baby is normally healthy the very slight higher chance of food poisoning doesn't really matter as he'll be able to deal with it fine so no need to worry.

Flisspaps · 22/12/2012 16:31

Really anything that isn't honey, raw shellfish or whole grapes/whole nuts is fine. Other than that, moderation is the key Grin

LilyVonSchtupp · 22/12/2012 16:19

It's very salty but a bit won't harm him. Just make sure you are't giving it with other salty foods until he's a toddler.

nickelbabylyinginamanger · 22/12/2012 16:18

here's a list

i can't see blue cheese.

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